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Welcome and thank you for being a part of the Firestop Contractors International Association. I am truly humbled and honored to serve as your president in 2018. This organization has achieved a lot of great things under Past Presidents, and I look forward to continuing to further the work those before me have embarked upon.

It was just a short, 10 years ago at a conference in San Antonio that I began my journey as part of this organization. During the years, I have found that one of the best things about being involved in the FCIA is meeting and befriending members from around the world. I believe that our members’ passion and commitment to make this a better industry goes unmatched within the construction marketplace.

During my tenure as FCIA President, I look forward to working with my fellow Board and Committee members to continue to grow our industry as we keep striving to make firestopping a demanded trade. We can do this by:

1. Continuing to further widespread acceptance of our ‘DIIM’ – ‘D’esign, ‘I’nstall, ‘I’nspect and ‘M’aintain philosophy;
2. Having the best trained specialty workforce. Only the Firestop Containment Worker is trained to install firestopping. Plumbers are trained to install plumbing, not firestopping. The same goes with electricians, HVAC technicians and drywallers.
3. Continuing educate the necessary General Contractors, Special Inspectors and AHJs, Design professionals and Specifiers on the importance of an FM 4991 Approved or UL/ULC Qualified Contractor to install firestop systems.
4. Continuing to grow the membership. The more educated and trained Specialty Firestop Contractors there are throughout the world, the better chance we have as an industry for a larger share of the work.

I would encourage any of you who are thinking about joining a Committee to stop procrastinating and get involved. We welcome new members and new ideas to help further the FCIA agenda. It is very satisfying seeing our hard work play out within the firestop community. Also, what better place to meet a group of hard working like-minded people as yourself.

Please join us in Memphis at our spring Education and Committee Action Conference. This is a great time to visit with all of our Committees, volunteer your time and join the one that you feel would not only benefit from your experience, but also find one that you may benefit from.

FCIA Committees:

Finally, I would like to thank Mark Dietz, our 2017 president. I appreciate his leadership this past year. I would also like to thank my fellow Board and Committee members for their continued work in the past, and for that commitment going forward throughout 2018 and beyond.

May my next 10 years in this organization be as successful, and rewarding, as the first 10 have been.


Bryant Bickmore, 2018 President

Firestop Contractors International Association