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Ben Urcavich, DRI (FM, UL) (920) 471-2282 Performance Firestop, Inc.
Co-Vice Chairs:    
Tyler Ferguson, DRI (FM) (207) 282-4136 National Firestopping Solutions
Tracy Smith, DRI (UL) (480) 752-8550 Firestop Southwest, Inc.
Adam Carter (216) 252-9590 Superior Industrial Insulation Company
Gus Mancini, DRI (FM, UL) (508) 553-0800 Gleeson Powers, Inc
Darren Pollock, DRI (UL) (925) 331-7996 JD Firestop Pros, Inc
Scott Rankin, DRI (FM) (609) 890-0036 American National Insulation dba Insulation Contractors (ICI)
John Sharpe, DRI (UL) (426) 293-0993 Pro Firestop
Andrew Tomlinson, DRI (FM) (410) 787-8828 G&M Services LLC
Andrew Wiest (702) 333-8973 Gleeson Powers, Inc.

Accreditation Committee Charter

The Accreditation Committee’s mission is to develop programs for accrediting companies.

FCIA’s Accreditation Committee developed the contractor management system accreditation programs in partnership with FM Approvals. FM 4991, the Standard for the Approval of Firestop Contractors; and UL’s Qualified Firestop Contractor Program. These programs provide 3rd party, objective audit of the procedures used for firestopping.

For Special Inspection Agencies, FCIA worked in 2007 with International Accreditation Services (IAS) and added a section on Firestopping to IAS Accreditation Criteria AC 291. This program is a management system based accreditation for Firestop Special Inspection Agency companies.

This committee is working with FCIA members to increase the number of “FM 4991 Approved Firestop Contractors” and “UL Qualified Firestop Contractors” worldwide.  The committee meets regularly with FM, UL and IAS to keep the programs credible for firestop contractors and inspection agencies – and their clients.

FCIA’s Accreditation Committee traveled to International Accreditation Services Accreditation Criteria Hearings, and testified to build a program for specialty firestop inspection agencies. See the Inspection Accreditation page for more details.

UL’s Betsy Titus, FCIA’s Aedan Gleeson, Bill McHugh, Mike McClure discuss the UL QFC Program.

The history of these programs is that FCIA members invested their own time and travel expense to build FM 4991 (2003) and UL Qualified Firestop Contractor Program (2008). FM 4991 and UL/ULC’s QFCP listed in the national master specification systems in the US, and Canada.  As a result, specifications requesting these FM 4991 Approved and UL Qualified Contractors happens worldwide.   

Committee Updates

FCIA’s Accreditation Committee has been working with FM Approvals and UL / ULC on various improvements that can be made to bring value to the FCIA Member Firestop Contractors’ customers. Look for an update at the Spring Education and Committee Action Conference.

Committee Update November 14, 2012

FCIA’s Accreditation Committee met with FM and UL to discuss and enhanced version of FM 4991, Standard for the Approval of Firestop Contractors, as well as the UL Qualified Firestop Contractor Program.

Both programs could be altered to reflect growing demands for continuous improvement by building owners and managers.  These improvements would focus the programs in actual field audits and ongoing firestopping maintenance for increased reliability of installed firestop systems.

Watch for more in 2012.

Committee Update March 4, 2011

FM – FCIA’s Accreditation Committee meets with FM quarterly, reviewing the FM 4991 program for Specialty Firestop Contractors. Meetings with FM recently found that:

  • FM 4991 Contractors now are over 85 in the US and Middle East.
  • FM’s Vidur Berry did a great job at the FCIA Educational Seminar in Abu Dhabi, UAE, Oct. 2010.
  • FCIA’s Manual of Practice & Pre Exam Education Programs help contractors worldwide.
  • FM has agreed to allow Firestop Inspection Agency Personnel (as defined by International Building Code) to take the FM Firestop Exam.

UL – FCIA’s Accreditation Committee continues to work with UL to help the UL Qualified Firestop Contractor program gain acceptance in the construction industry.

  • UL has 23 FCIA Member Contractors Qualified, including one in Canada.
  • UL has agreed to help FCIA with education for ICC Chapter AHJ’s to gain support for code proposal for UL Qualified Firestop Contractors.

The FCIA Firestop test prep course and UL & FM Exams for the FM 4991 and UL Qualified Firestop Contractor Programs scheduled for 2011 in 5 locations, with more to be added before summer: Here’s where you can take the test:

FCIA’s Firestop Exam Education Program and Management System (QMS) Education Program continues to help contractors and consultant firms write their Quality Management System Programs and pass the Firestop Exam. A sample Management System was developed in 2010, available in FCIA Members Only Section. Join now!

Watch for much more activity by FCIA to help contractors gain FM 4991 Approval and UL Qualification, and Inspection Agencies gain AC 291 Firestop Inspection Agency Status.

Committee Update January 06, 2010

FM – FCIA’s Accreditation Committee meets with FM almost quarterly, reviewing the FM 4991 program for Firestop Contractors. Meetings with FM recently found that:

  • FM has agreed to allow Firestop Inspection Agency Personnel (as defined by International Building Code) to take the DRI Exam.
  • FCIA’s Manual of Practice & Pre Exam Education Programs help contractors worldwide.
  • FM Contractors now are over 60 in the US and Middle East.
  • FM’s Presentation in Dubai at the FCIA Middle East Seminar was well received.
  • FCIA expanded the pages for FM 4991 Information and Contractors with QA Manual and Approval resources.

UL – FCIA’s Accreditation Committee continues to work with UL to help the UL Qualified Firestop Contractor program gain acceptance in the construction industry.

  • UL has 16 FCIA Member Contractors Qualified, including one in Canada. 
  • UL has agreed to help FCIA with education for the ICC Code proposal for UL Qualified Firestop Contractors.
  • FCIA’s Accreditation Committee has presented several education programs for the UL Firestop exam both in person and via webinar.

The FCIA Firestop test prep course and UL & FM DRI Exams for the FM 4991 and UL Qualified Firestop Contractor Programs are scheduled for 2010 in 5 locations, with more to be added before summer:  Here’s where you can take the test:

  1. San Jose – Feb 17 – UL DRI Firestop Exam Only
  2. San Francisco – April 27, 2010 – Both FM & UL DRI Firestop Exams
  3. Melville, NY– July 22 – UL DRI Firestop Exam Only
  4. Toronto, ONT – October 7 – UL DRI Firestop Exam Only
  5. Phoenix, AZ – Nov. 9 – Both FM & UL Firestop Exams.

FCIA’s DRI Education Program and Quality Management System (QMS) Education Program continues to help contractors and consultant firms write their Quality Management System Programs and pass the DRI Exam. They are available on in the Members Only Section.

Watch for much more activity by FCIA to help contractors gain FM 4991 Approval and UL Qualification, and inspection agencies gain AC 291 Firestop Inspection Agency Status.

Committee Update January 10, 2009

FM – FCIA’s Accreditation Committee continues meeting and communication with FM regarding promotion and administration of this cutting edge program for Firestop Contractors in the marketplace. Meetings with FM recently found that:

  • FM has agreed to help FCIA grow worldwide.
  • FCIA’s Education Programs help contractors pass the FM Firestop Exam, and become FM 4991 Approved Firestop Contractors.
  • FM Approved Contractors are available thorughout the US, and in the Middle East.
  • FM Held a spec on their FM Facility in Massachusetts, while architects acceptance is growing as well nationwide on Education and Healthcare Occupancies.
  • FM is looking to expand their reach into other contractor industry programs.

UL – FCIA’s Accreditation Committee continues to work with UL to help the program gain acceptance in the construction industry.

  • UL has 4 FCIA Member Contractors Qualified, with about 35 more ‘in the pipeline’.
  • UL has agreed to help FCIA grow worldwide.
  • FCIA’s Accreditation Committee has presented excellent programs to help contractors pass the DRI Exam, and become UL Qualified Firestop Contractors.

The FCIA Firestop Exam Test prep course and DRI Exams for the FM 4991 and UL Qualified Firestop Contractor Programs are scheduled for 2009 in 5 locations, with more to be added before summer:  Here’s where you can take the test:

  1. Toronto, ONT – March 26 – UL DRI Firestop Exam Only
  2. Boston, MA – April 28 – Both FM & UL DRI Firestop Exams
  3. Chicago, IL – June 4 – UL DRI Firestop Exam Only
  4. San Jose – Sept. 24 – UL DRI Firestop Exam Only
  5. TBD – Nov. 10 – Both FM & UL Firestop Exams.

FCIA’s DRI Education Program and Quality Management System (QMS) Education Program continues to help contractors and consultant firms write their Quality Managment System Programs and pass the FM or UL Firestop Exam.

Watch for Quality Management System Templates for FCIA members in 2009 and much more to help contractors gain FM 4991 Approval and UL Qualification.

Information Updated on February 14, 2008

FCIA’s Accreditation Committee continues to meet, email, video conference and talk with both FM & UL about the Firestop Contractor Programs at both organizations. 

FM – 4991, Standard for the Approval of Firestop Contractors

FCIA’s Accreditation Committee continues meetings and communication with FM to help them to promote the program in the marketplace while maintaining a credible program for Firestop Contractors throughout the world.  FCIA’s Accreditation Committee to meet with FM in Boston in March and again in Seattle in April, 2008.

UL Qualified Firestop Contractor Program

FCIA’s Accreditation Committee continues to work with UL to help the program gain acceptance in the marketplace. Most importantly, the first audit is complete, and Gleeson-Powers, Inc., Franklin, MA is the first UL Qualified Firestop Contractor.

The Accreditation Committee presented a new Quality Management System (QMS) Education Program July and November, 2007 at the UL DRI Test, then at the FCIA Educationand Committee Action Conference.   In the future, FCIA will need Additional Educated FCIA Member, UL Qualified Presenters to educate on behalf of FCIA at various events.  FCIA is planning a ‘train the trainer’ program at the Seattle Education and Committee Action Conference, Seattle, WA.

The FCIA UL Qualified Firestop Contractor program DRI test prep course and testing scheduled for four sites in 2008:

  1. Toronto, ONT, Canada – March 25, 2008
  2. Seattle, WA, USA – April 30, 3008 (FCIA Education & Committee Action Conference)
  3. Chicago, IL – June 12, 2008
  4. Melville, NY – September 4, 2008
  5. San Antonio, TX – Nov. 7, 2008 (FCIA Firestop Industry Conference).

FCIA’s Accreditation Committee also formed a partnership with UL to educate building officials, fire marshals, architects, specifiers and others.  The UL Total Fire Protection Systems Symposium aims to educate about all types of fire protection, including fire and smoke resistance rated effective compartmentation, sprinklers, alarms and detection systems.

  1. Los Angeles, CA Sponsored by the ICC LA Basin Chapter – January 31, Feb. 1 (Over 120 attendees at this meeting! 
  2. San Jose, CA, Sponsored by ICC Tri Cities Chapter, – March 5

FCIA looks forward to a very productive 2008 with the Accreditation Committee.   Feel free to contact the Chair, Aedan Gleeson, should you want to get involved.

Information updated on Nov 25, 2007

Accreditation Committee – Aedan Gleeson, Chair

The Accreditation Committee maintains relationships with the accreditation organizations that work with Firestopping Contractors. There are currently two major firms in the quality auditing business, verifying the quality process of Firestop Contractors, FM Global’s Approvals Division, and Underwriters Laboratories.

FM 4991 is the first Construction Subcontractor Quality Audit Program

FM Globals’ Research Division manages FM 4991 – Standard for the Approval of Firestop Contractors. This program, an ISO 9000 type quality management system for the firestopping contractor, was specially built for the construction subcontracting community and has been in service since 2001.

To become FM 4991 Approved, the Firestop Contracting firm must have a quality manual, appoint a Designated Responsible Individual who passed an industry test adminstered by FM, then pass initial and ongoing audits of their quality procedures.

The FCIA Accreditation Committee has had a very productive two years in 2005 and 2006.

FM is very proactive about continual improvement. In 2006, FM offered its’ staff webinar firestopping industry education, and tips about how to audit a firestopping contractor firm. FCIA staff continues to provide educational resources to FM Approvals for training of the auditors that review firestopping firms.

Additionally, Aedan Gleeson, FCIA Accreditation chair, was appointed to the FM North American Industry Advisory Board.

FCIA Develops Specifications & Promotes to Code Organizations

FCIA worked with various architectural groups to place the FM 4991 qualification into specifications, presented the concept to the International Code Council (ICC) and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) for Building and Fire Code consideration, while promoting the “Firestopping Quality Process” internationally.

About one third of FCIA Members are FM Approved, with consistent growth yearly. FCIA continues to work with Architectural, Specification, building code and fire marshal communities to educate about the importance to fire and life safety by using a firestop contractor.

UL Announces new Construction Subcontractor Quality Audit Program

In 2006, FCIA’s Accreditation Committee also worked with Underwriters Laboratories, (UL) to develop the “UL Qualified Firestop Contractor Program”. This new program adds another credible name in addition to FM to fire and life safety protection through the broad reach of UL throughout the world.

UL recently announced an education partnership with FCIA bringing learning venues for architects, fire marshals, building officials and firestopping contractors about Effective Compartmentatation and Firestopping. These programs, the FCIA Firestop Education Program and Total Fire Protection Systems Symposium, have been well received by audiences throughout North America.

Watch the FCIA Events page for more information and specific dates.

For Independent Inspection Agencies, FCIA offers the opportunity to be tested to either the FM or UL DRI Exam. Watch for further details about an inspector credential program as they unfold on this website.

To learn more about how to get involved in the FCIA Accreditation Committee, contact the Chair, Aedan Gleeson. Contractor, manufacturer and associate members from throughout the world are welcome to participate.

Accreditation Committee Goals for 2007

FCIA’s Accreditation Committee Goals for 2007 include the following:

– Relationships – Maintain and build upon relationships with FM & UL.

– Promotion – Continue promotion of the Firestopping Quality Management Process and Installation Protocol in the specification, building official and fire marshal communities.

– Codes – Promote the concept to the International Code Council, (ICC), National Fire Protection Association (NFPA).

– Specifications – Promote the concept to Construction Specifications Institute (CSI), American Institute of Architects (AIA), Association of Licensed Architects (ALA), Specifications Consultants in Independent Practice (SCIP).

– Building Owners & Managers, General Contractors – FCIA presented this concept to the Building Owners and Managers Association, and the Association of General Contractors National Headquarters in Washington DC.

– Internationalization – FCIA is promoting the use of the FM & UL Quality management programs throughout the world by working with architectural firms who specify for projects in outside the US.

FCIA Accreditation Committee 2005 Results – Aedan Gleeson, FCIA 2005 Accreditation Committee Chair

FCIA’s Accreditation Committee in 2005 had several successes. Working with FM Approvals, FCIA Accreditation Chair Aedan Gleeson, Bob LeClair & Bill McHugh were able to provide an education program to FM’s personnel involved in the FM 4991 Standard implimentation. Below is a summary of other important happenings from FCIA’s Accreditation Committee:

– FCIA Member / FM Approved Contractors Cover the US – Approved Contractors are available nationwide, with some interest developing in Canada from FCIA Member Contractors. Look for new FM Approved Contractors to supply Canada’s specifications requirements.

– FM 4991 in Specifications – FCIA’s Accreditation & Marketing Committee’s work with Construction Specifications Institute (CSI), Specification Consultants in Independent Practice(SCIP), Construction Specifications Canada (CSC) ARCOM & BSD Master Specification Programs, and leading specifiers has resulted in “FCIA Member, FM 4991 Approved, ASTM E 2174 & ASTM E 2393 Inspection Protocol” appearing in Specs. FCIA Member Contractors, FM 4991 Approved, inspected to ASTM E 2174 & ASTM E 2393, is the “Firestopping Quality Process”. See Presentations for full description of this new construction industry trend.

– FM DRI Certificates Awarded at FCIA Conference – FM Approvals’ Jeff Gould and Vice President, George Smith distribute Designated Responsible Individual (DRI) Certificates at FCIA’s Firestop Industry Conference & Trade Show, November 11, 2005. Contractors can use these as further proof of their commitment to the quality process.

– New UL Firestop Contractor Qualification Program – At FCIA’s Firestop Industry Conference & Trade Show, November, 2005, FCIA heard from Dan Kaiser, UL’s Business Development Manager about the new Contractor Qualification Program at UL for Firestopping Contractors. This new program will add value to existing programs as it adds more credibility to an already strong name in the marketplace. UL has planned to introduce the new program at FCIA’s Education and Committee Action Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, April 26 – 28, 2006. Visit FCIA’s Events page for more info.

– Articles – There were several magazine articles co-authored by the Accreditation, Standards & Marketing Committee to promote the quality process.

FCIA’s Marketing Committee provided several opportunities for exposure in the new construction and maintenance markets. See FCIA’s Marketing Committee Pages for more info about where these articles appeared.

FCIA’s Accreditation Committee also worked with FM Approvals to maintain the integrity of the program. Plus, cooperation with FCIA’s Marketing Committee to grow awareness about the program meant excellent exposure.

Interested in joining this active group? Email with your interest.

-Accreditation Committee Promoting FCIA Member, FM 4991 Contractors in 2004 & 2005

FCIA’s Accreditation Committee, in conjunction with the Marketing Committee, formed relationships with the National Association of State Fire Marshals, FM Approvals personnel, and presented The Firestopping Quality Process Powerpoint Presentation at the ASTM Symposium on Firestopping. The Firestopping Quality Process consists of Tested and Listed Firestop Systems supplied by FCIA Member Manufacturers, installed by FCIA Member, FM 4991 Approved Contractors, Inspected to ASTM E 2174 / ASTM E 2393 Inspection Standards, and Maintained by FCIA Member Contractors.

FCIA also visited with ARCOM’s MasterSpec as well. The Inspector Qualification Standard discussions are also underway.

The Accreditation Committee will be active in 2006 maintaining relationships begun the past 5 years, and looks forward to a great year.

FCIA Accreditation Committee News – March 4, 2003

Listed below are topics we discussed:

– ASTM “INSPECTOR STANDARD” – This new Committee was formed and is to be headed by Randy Bosscawen, MultiCon Construction, Fire Containment Division. Don Sabrsula joined the teleconference and offerred assistance to Randy based on his experience with the ASTM E 2174. Don reported that on 4/8/03, 8:00-11:00 am a meeting will take place re: ASTM E 2174 for penetrations, and the new standard for joints. Info can be found at, meeting notices. The ASTM site provides info on hotel, etc. At 2:00, the Inspection Standard will be introduced by FCIA to the E6 Servicablity committee where we would participate as chair, if elected. The ASTM Program is at the Westin Crown Hotel, Kansas City, 816.474.4400 – $134/nite. Randy requested that Bill McHugh work with him developing the standard, at the KC meeting and working with the process. Don Sabrsula mentioned he’d help Randy as well.

– FM TESTING UPDATES – New FM Test questions are being developed by FCIA and FM, with Blase Reardon as FCIA’s contact. Questions come through the FCIA Board, architects, fire marshal’s, code officials and other interested industry participants. There will be a few test questions that will be added to the Las Vegas FM Test, with a totally new test for the 3 year “DRI Renewal Test”, which takes place in Orlando, November, 2003. The MOP may need updating to reflect the test questions as well.

– FM 4991 PROMOTION – MasterSpec, CMD SpecLink now have FM 4991, and ASTM E 2174 included in their “Master Specifications”. These specs are bought as templates by over 10,000 architect/engineering firms nationwide. This is resulting in more specifications for FM 4991 around the country. Aedan suggested we find a way to keep track of FM 4991/ASTM E2174 Specs that appear in the market. Currently, the FCIA Office is “listening” for contractors who see the specs, or architects who ask us questions about it…and tracking on a spreadsheet.

FCIA Accreditation Committee News – June 10, 2002

FM 4991 Firestop Contractor Approval is catching on with contractors and architects. Currently, we have 16 members who have become FM Approved nationwide, with many more in the process. FM 4991 Contractor Approval offers firestop contractors value through

U.S. & Worldwide Promotion – Approved Contractors are listed in the worldwide “FM Global Approvals Manual”. This manual was recently sent to thousands of building owners and architects. If your firm is FM 4991 Approved, the firm’s name & address listing promotes FM 4991 approval to key contacts, worldwide.

FCIA will promote FM 4991 at the Specification Consultants in Independent Practice Meeting in Las Vegas at “The CSI Show”, June 25 & 26, 2002. Major specification consultants, nationwide are expected to be at our introduction.

  • Quality Manuals – FM will be in Nashville at our “Firestop Industry Conference” to present FCIA Members a program on “How to write Quality Control Manuals”.
  • Architect Specifications – According to our contacts at ARCOM Masterspec, FM 4991 will be a requirement option available in the next edition of Masterspec.

“We’ve seen specs where architects and FM, nationwide are recommending to their clients/insured’s, “approved contractors” and “FM 4991 Approved Contractors”, in contractor qualification sections of specifications”, according to Rachelle Dover, Wall Systems of Southwest Florida, Aedan Gleeson, Gleeson Powers, Inc., Franklin MA, and Breck Spain, Performance Contracting, Inc., Sacramento, CA.

FM 4991 provides the documented “Approved” status for your firm.

FCIA has worked hard to make FM 4991 a reality and has promoted it . Now we need you to help make it a success. It’s coming to you soon through specifications. As Aedan Gleeson states, “let’s get dressed up and go to the party by getting FM 4991 Approved”.