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Aideen Doneski (508) 553-0800 Gleeson Powers, Inc.
Vice Chair:    
Mike Pautsch, DRI (FM, UL) (763) 571-7464 Superl, Inc.
Board Liaison:    
Ben Urcavich, DRI (UL) (920) 471-2282 Performance Firestop, Inc.
Bryant Bickmore, DRI (FM) (505) 343-1300 Seal-Co, Inc.
John Black, DRI (FM) (214) 496-9999 GDA Contractors - Dallas
Chad Carr, DRI (UL) (407) 443-2500 Florida Firestop Systems
Tom Fichtner, DRI (FM) (585) 527-8000 AAC Contracting, LLC
Buddy Fishman, DRI (FM) (702) 736-0841 Energy Mechanical Insulation Inc.
Charles Fogg, DRI (UL) (207) 282-7697 National Firestopping Solutions
Bill Jannino, DRI (FM) (508) 738-6162 Sweeney Drywall Finishes
Alan Mcdurmon, DRI (FM) (678) 817-5400 PCI – Atlanta
Josh Stachowiak (216) 252-9590 Superior Industrial Insulation Company
Lauren Sustek DRI, (FM) (708) 498-0004 Bartkowski Life Safety, Corp.
Jason Vogel (623) 204-0768 Firestop Southwest

Marketing Committee Charter

The FCIA Marketing Committee is responsible for FCIA’s exposure to the global construction industry. Through promotion of FCIA at trade shows, outside speaking engagements, articles, and distribution of marketing and educational tools made available from FCIA Committees, the Marketing Committee works hard to promote the importance of using a Specialty Firestop Installation Contractor and FCIA Members.

Committee Update

FCIA’s Marketing Committee spent time at several trade shows educating the attendees about the Firestop Contractor, Consultant, Manufacturer and Distributors importance to fire and life safety in the Firestopping Industry:

– FCIA, UL, ASHE, The Joint Commission Barrier Management Symposiums. 
– ASHE Professional Development Conference
– ASHE Annual Conference
– Construction Specifications Canada Show
– Royal Architects Institute of Canada
– IFMA Facility Fusion
– NFPA Expo
– ICC Expo
– Nursing Home Organizations
– Fire Safety Conferences in the Middle East
– AIA Conferences & Local Organizations
– ALA Conference
– Many others

At each of these shows, FCIA Members were promoted as the ‘Go To Groups’ for firestop D-Design, I-installation, I-Inspection and M-Maintenance. The ‘DIIM’ of Firestopping story is well received by all, with much demand for information at each show.

Committee News February 28, 2010

FCIA’s Marketing Committee continues to exhibit at leading shows across North America to gain exposure for Specialty Firestop Contractors, Associates and Manufacturers. In 2010, FCIA will exhibit at several leading shows including CSC, ASHE, ICC, and others. Watch the Enewsletters for the shows near you.

Committee News November 1, 2009

FCIA’s Marketing Committee attended in :

  • Trade Shows – 2009
    • FDIC Show, Indianapolis, IN – with IFC
    • CONSTRUCT2009 / CSI Show, Indianapolis, IN June 16-19 – FCIA has a presentation scheduled for this conference.
    • AWCI Convention – March 27 – (see presentations for complete program)
    • ASHE Show – Anaheim, CA
    • ICC’s Code Expo – Baltimore, MD
    • Metro Chiefs – Calgary, Alberta, Canada
  • FCIA / UL Total Fire Protection Systems Symposium – 2009
    • Indianapolis CSI Chapter – May 21
    • ICC Colorado Chapter – Oct. 16
  • FCIA Presentations are available for Members to present. Visit the Presentations and Members Only section, for more information.

The Marketing Committee will be representing the association at many functions in 2009. Watch the Enewsletters and for events.

Information updated on Feb. 15, 2008

FCIA’s Marketing Committee has worked towards providing tools for the firestopping industry and the firestop contractor to use in the industry.  Most important, the marketing committee generates demand for specialty firestop contractor / FCIA Member Firestopping Contractors through liaison, speaking, writing, and ‘cross pollenization’ with other targeted groups. 

  • Trade Shows – 2008 Plans to Exhibit
    • FDIC Show, Indianapolis, IN – with IFC
    • CSI Show, Las Vegas, June 4-6, 2008
    • FCIA will speak twice at this conference
  • FCIA / UL Total Fire Protection Systems Symposium – 2008
    • March 15, 2007 – Chicago COMPLETE
    • January 30, Feb. 1, 2008 – Los Angeles, CA
    • April 10 , 2008 – San Jose
    • Plans for East Coast Program, Toronto, Canada
  • Presentations 2007
    • CSI Chicago Chapter – January, 2007
    • Port Authority of New York, New Jersey – March, 2007
    • CSI 2007 Convention – Compartmentation Symposium
  • Presentations – 2008
    • SFPE New England – March 2008.
    • CSI Northwest Region Conference – WA/OR
    • American Concrete Institute – Fire Resistance Seminar – Oct. 2008
  • Education – The committee is going to conduct a ‘train the trainer program’ at the FCIA Education and Committee Action Conference to encourage members to become presenters to various chapters of industry groups in their area. Visit the Events Page to see scheduled seminar.
  • FCIA 2008 Liaison Targets – FCIA will be visiting many associations who influence work for our industry, as well as the associations who are affiliated with effective fires and smoke resistance rated compartmentation to form relationships, and offer resources.

To join the marketing committee, contact Don Murphy, Chair. 

Information updated on Feb 15, 2007

2007 Marketing Committee Chair – Don Murphy

FCIA’s Marketing Committee in 2006, 2007 spent time implementing important FCIA programs including the FCIA Website, FCIA’s Life Safety Digest Magazine, while creating and maintaining relationships with key industry organizations. Visit the ‘magazine’, ‘enewsletters’, and to see the committee results in action!

Below are FCIA 2007 Marketing Committee Goals:

“FCIA Firestop Contractor Member Toolkit”

Create tools to support Firestop Contractor Members’ businesses

FCIA’s Marketing Committee will be assembling a toolkit for contractor members to better present themselves to potential customers. Website – FCIA’s website continues to be very popular, scoring a #1 hit on Google when searching for ‘firestopping’. FCIA memberlists, where members contact information is found, continues to be the most visited page, with articles, resources, presentations, FM Approval pages following in visits. The Marketing Committee is going to perform the following tasks at in 2007

Resources – FCIA’s marketing committee will continue to post valuable firestop industry information to

Articles – Presentations – These pages will be reorganized into logical topic groupings.

Board and Leader Pages – Create past board and presidents pages with pictures, and honor for volunteers.

Update other pages – Add more automation to events, MOP orders, Magazine orders.

Updates – FCIA staff maintains the website quarterly.

Reorganize categories for easier navigation without changing the look.

Pictures – FCIA is adding pictures to various pages to bring more ‘action’ to the site.

New UL Program – FCIA is adding information about the new UL Qualification of Firestop Contractor Program.

Contractor Ads on the Website – Introduce a “BOLD Listing” to the website for members.

Trade Shows

Attend, speak and display at the Construction Specifications Institute “CSI Show”, Baltimore, June 2007. FCIA will speak at the convention Thursday, June 21, 2007

Life Safety Digest 2007

FCIA’s Marketing Committee developed the “Life Safety Digest – The Magazine of Effective Compartmentation” initiative, spreading the word about Compartmentation and FCIA to the outside world. In 2007, the committee will broaden its membership with added Editorial Committee Members, while increasing advertising through our McGraw Hill partners.

Relationships – Key industry influencers

FCIA’s Marketing Committee works to cultivate relationships with the Construction Specifications Institute, (CSI), the American Institute of Architects (AIA), the National Association of State Fire Marshals (NASFM), Association of General Contractors (AGC), Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC), Building Owners and Managers Association, (BOMA), Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE), Design Build Institute of America (DBIA), and many others.

FCIA Industry Affiliates

FCIA’s Marketing and Code Committees have worked together to team up with the Door and Hardware Institute (DHI), the Door and Systems Manufacturers Association (DASMA), the Fire Rated Glazing Industry, the Gypsum Association, Association of Walls and Ceilings International (AWCI), PreCast-Prestressed Concrete Institute, National Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA), Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning National Association (SMACNA), National Fireproofing Contractors Association (NFCA) and many others.

FCIA Marketing Committee’s 2005 Results – Don Murphy, FCIA 2005 Marketing Committee Chair

FCIA’s Marketing Committee had a successful 2005 through several key industry activities, forming relationships, and educating those who influence our industry. FCIA promoted the Specialty Firestop Contractor Concept throughout 2005 in the following ways:

– FCIA at CSI Show – FCIA’s appearance at the 2005 Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) National Convention & Show included a press conference, presentation to a standing room only crowd on Firestopping and meetings with several key architects & Specifiers in the US and Canada. FCIA Presented a Firestop Industry Update Program, while Thermafiber, LLC presented a Perimeter Fire Protection Program for Architects & Specifiers.

FCIA is a CSI Education Partner at the CSI Show in Las Vegas, March 2006. For information, visit(

– Articles Published – FCIA had articles published in Construction Specifications Canada Magazine, the National Insulation Association’s Insulation Outlook Magazine, ASTM News, Maintenance Solutions Magazine, plus received press info in the Construction Specifier and other magazines.

– Public Relations – FCIA addressed the Mechanical Contractors Association of Canada’s (MCAC)Magazine Advertisements placed by Bibby St.Croix Cast Iron Pipe Co., that portrayed firestopping systems selection as too difficult to impliment on projects. FCIA recommended that MCAC Members use FCIA Member Specialty Firestopping Contractors for this work rather than doing it themselves. Thanks to Cam Phibbs, Interprovincial Insulation, Inc., for assistance with MCAC.

– Life Safety Digest Magazine – FCIA Launched a new magazine, “Life Safety Digest – the Magazine of Effective Compartmentation”, as an FCIA Member Benefit and industry education tool.

Most importantly, Life Safety Digest is the industry’s way to promote that compartmentation and firestopping are great ways to provide fire protection in buildings. We advocate that sprinklers, alarms & detection plus compartmentation and occupant education are very important for fire and life safety in buildings.

FCIA’s partner in this new venture is McGraw Hill Construction.

– FCIA Trade Show Booth – FCIA Members continue to use this excellent trade show booth at conferences to promote the industry and thier own businesses. FCIA Members pay freight one way, the next user pays the 2nd half of the booth’s travels.

– Exposure – FCIA also spoke at the International Code Council Hearings, International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials Hearings, as well as several other local and regional CSI Chapters, AIA Chapters, and other venues around the US & Canada. FCIA’s exposure on and continues to generate hits on FCIA’s valuable website.

FCIA’s Website – creates opportunities for members through interested parties who visit the site, then hire FCIA Contractors who buy products from FCIA Manufacturer and Associate Members.

– FCIA’s Enews electronic newsletter continues publication over 10 times per year, and is full of good technical, business and industry information.

– Relationships – FCIA continues to build relationships with other important industry associations such as:

* National Association of State Fire Marshals

* Construction Specifications Institute

* Construction Specifications Canada

* Specifications Consultants in Independent Practice

* FM Approvals

* Underwriters Laboratories

* Omega Point Laboratories

* Passive Fire Protection Association – Australia

* Association for Specialist Fire Protection – UK

* National Insulation Association

* Sealant Waterproofing & Restoration Institute

* Insulation Contractors Association of America

* US Department of Labor

* and many more….

Watch for FCIA’s Marketing Committee to add a few more activities to 2006’s activities.

Don Murphy, FCIA 2005 Marketing Committee Chair

FCIA Marketing Committee’s 2004 results and some 2005 Goals

FCIA’s Marketing Committee was extremely visable in 2004. The group staffed Trade Shows such as; The CSI National Convention, where FCIA had three presentations attended by hundreds of specifiers; The Specifications Consultants in Independent Practice Conference, where FCIA’s State of the Firestopping Industry was delivered; The Texas Society of Architects Conference, where FCIA tried a regional show; The National Association of State Fire Marshals Conference, where FCIA formed relationships with some great people; in addition to the many exposures that FCIA Local Contractor Members had while using the FCIA Trade Show Booth. This, in addition to several articles published in magazines, editorials published in Engineering News Record, and other articles meant a great year for the Marketing Committee.

FCIA Goes to World of Concrete

The FCIA’s Marketing Committee members, Bill Hoos (JLE Firestopping, Inc.), Roger Rowe (Firestop Contractors, LLC), Tracy Smith and Breck Spain (Performance Contracting, Inc.) were exhibitors at the World of Concrete Trade Show in New Orleans, this January. Thanks to Manufacturer Members 3M, Tremco, STI, and HILTI, FCIA had a presence at this show. The FCIA “Is Firestopping an Option?” display stood within 3M’s booth. FCIA Membership Invitation flyers were also provided to STI, Tremco and HILTI personnel who were manning their respective booths at the show. The show was extravagant as usual and well attended. As reported by Breck Spain, “I believe trade shows can be beneficial to our organization, provided that FCIA members across the country participate.”

The Marketing Committee is planning to participate in more shows this year. Check out the FCIA website for future tradeshows FCIA will be participating at this year. If you’d like to use the FCIA trade show booth at an upcoming show, contact the FCIA office at (630) 690-0682. Hope to see you there!

The FCIA website continues to be a valuable asset to FCIA members and non-members alike. This December, received almost 3,000 visits from 1,081 distinct internet addresses (different visitors.) These are very strong numbers for a holiday month! Some of the most visited pages are: member lists (569), “about company” (546), articles/publications (236) and FM 4991 related (203).

Visitors to are very interested in information about FCIA member companies.

If you haven’t yet submitted your company profile information, you are missing a great benefit of FCIA membership. Check out our website listing. Send your one-paragraph, company description and the area where you work the most (five states, national and/or international) to The FCIA website listing is a great opportunity to promote your company worldwide!