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12/21/12: Two more successful webinars completed! Keep January 31st free for the next FCIA Firestopping & DIIM webinar!

12/12/12: FCIA's Dec. 12, 2012 E-Newsletter is now online!Click Here to read it!

12/10/12: Presentations from this important FCIA Educational Seminar in Dubai are online now! 

12/2/12: Another successful conference in Dubai! Over 70 delegates attended Thursday. Stay tuned for updates from the conference. Thanks to FCIA UAE and Qatar members and sponsors for making this a great success.

11/26/12: FCIA Executive Director Bill McHugh is currently in Dubai for the FCIA Education for FM & UL Exams Today.  Over 35 people attended with 20 taking FM & UL Firestop Exams.

11/26/12: FCIA FIC Conference Attendee List and Speaker Presentations are now available in the members only section.

11/7/12: Eric Keeton (pictured below) and Tracy Smith discuss Critical Firestopping Industry News at the FCIA Firestop Industry Conference & Trade Show in Orlando.

FCIA Firestop Industry Conference and Trade Show Daily

11/7/12: Clay Booth speaks about Firestop T Rating requirements and solutions to be the same as F Ratings at the FCIA Firestop Industry Conference & Trade Show in Orlando.

FCIA Firestop Industry Conference and Trade Show Daily

10/31/12: Click for the NewUL/ULC eLearning course on how to develop a Quality Management Systems Manual. FCIA Members for your discount code!

10/29/12: FCIA Educational Seminar in Dubai 28th-29th Nov.

Includes great education and FM & UL Firestop Exams for FM 4991 Approved Firestop Contractor, UL Qualified Firestop Contractor, or IAS AC 291 Accreditation.  Click herefor details!

10/23/12: FCIA Members and Staff have been representing you around the country & the world!  This week we're exhibiting and presenting at theInternational Code Council's Annual Conference, Final Action Code Hearings & Expoin Portland, OR. Special thanks to Bob Hasting & Tonnie Cavanais, Specialty Firestop Systems, and Bill Koffel, Koffel Associates!

FCIA Executive Director Bill McHugh attended ICC and ASTM E06 meetings in Atlanta, GA.

Watch for updates on both the ICC and ASTM meetings!

10/17/12:  The FIC Updated Agenda is now available!

Check out the current registration list for the FIC. Start connecting now!

10/08/12: FIC Conference Attendees, reserve now, Disney Resorts filling up. Both the Grand Floridian and Caribbean Beach Resort

have rooms for those checking out Friday morning, Nov. 9.Register for the conference today!

10/07/12: FCIA 2013/2014 Board Elections Packet Packet - Your vote is important!


10/05/2012: FCIA's DIIM Firestopping webinarpresentation was well attended again.

10/02/2012: FCIA reached 300 Member companies yesterday! This milestone is a compliment to FCIA's Leaders and Members. The FCIA commitment, avancing the Specialty Firestop Contractor Concept worldwide, means better installation for fire and life safety.  Join today and enjoy FCIA's many benefits.

10/02/2012: FCIA & UL collaborated to create the UL Qualified Firestop Contractor Program in 2007.  The new UL Management System e-Learning Program UL announced today helps Firestop Contractors develop their 'management system manual'.  FCIA Members, contact Evie Caprel for discount code.

10/02/2012: FCIA's Firestop Webinar series continues Oct. 5, with 'The DIIM of Firestopping'.  On Nov. 15, FM 4991 Webinar with with Jeff Gould, FM Approvals & FCIA.

10/01/2012: FCIA's Standards Chair Eric Keeton & Bill McHugh travel to ASTM E06 Meetings Oct. 23 & 24.  Firestop Contractor Members, join ASTMand vote for FCIA proposals.

9/27/2012: View the November 2012 Firestop Industry Conference & Trade Show, Orlando Agenda!

9/21/2012: New EZ ONLINE FIC Registration announced forCONFERENCE and GOLF! Check out the SPEAKERS too including The Joint Commission, NFPA, and more.

9/20/2012:  FCIA enjoyed presenting the 'DIIM' of Firestopping' during today's webinar. Missed it?  Look for another repeat Oct. 5.

9/15/2012: FCIA FM 4991 Approved and UL - ULC Qualifeid Firestop Contractors provide value.  Check out why in this presentation from 2008.

9/18/2012:  Order your FIC Conference discounted Disney Theme Park Tickets!  Click here for order forms and more information.

9/14/2012:  Thinking about becoming a UL Qualified Firestop Contractor?  Check out the new Frequently Asked Questions.

Go here for important information on how contractors can become FM 4991 Approved.

9/12-9/14/2012: FCIA at CONSTRUCT/CSI 2012 Convention.  Rich Walke, UL; Bryant Brickmore, Seal-Co., Inc.; Roy Bellote & Tracy Smith, Firestop Southwest, Inc.; Marge McAllister, AON Fire Protection Engineering Corp.; and Bill McHugh, FCIA Executive Director, had a busy time at FCIA's booth.  We had big interest about how to get more FCIA Member Specialty Firestop Contractors on projects worldwide.

9/11/2012:  New Speakers Added to the FIC Conference Agenda! Check out our New Feature: Weekly Conference Highlight in the column to the left for the latest additions.

9/7/2012:  FCIA's ENews for September is online! Read about the FCIA Conference, Canada initiatives, FCIA @ UL, and much more!

9/5/2012: The latest edition ofLife Safety Digest is now online!

8/27/12: 2013 Media Kit Now Available!   Reach those markets that matter to you the most through this publication dedicated to effective compartmentation, and fire & life safety.  We're looking for writers too!  Email Evie or call 708-202-1108 for details.

8/22/12: FCIA Seeks Nominees for Board of Directors  Are you interested in becoming a FCIA Board member?  Contractor Members are eligible and each Board Member serves a two-year term.  Complete theApplication and return to FCIA before Sept. 17, 2012.  The Nominating Committee will contact interested Contractor Members.

8/21/2012:  FCIA Member Referral Program Announced!

FCIA's Membership Drive is in full gear with members continuing to join from the US, Canada and other parts of the world.  Do you know someone who should be a member?  Refer them to  Once the company joins, you get a $25 gift card to Starbucks!  Go here for Member Benefits. (Limited time only.)

8/14/2012: UL announced to FCIA that a new Management Systems Educational Webinar will be launched shortly. Watch for more info. FCIA Members, check out FCIA's Management System Template to help you get started in theFCIA Members Only area.

8/13/2012: FCIA Board of Directors met in Indianapolis last week.  The group laid out plans for the rest of 2012 with a look to 2013.  More in the Enewsletter soon.

7/25/2012: FCIA's July Enewsletter is online!

7/24/2012: FCIA Members report that insurance is a huge expense.  FCIA formed a relationship with The Phoenix Group to help members.  Check out the Risk Management Article to learn more.

7/23/2012: FCIA's Accreditation Chair Aedan Gleeson and Committee Member Don Murphy presented firestopping to the FM 4991 Auditors to raise their industry knowledge. 

7/20/2012: FCIA's Standards Chair Eric Keeton and others participated in an ASTM E 2174/E2393 WebEx reviewing proposals to increase inspection for non-qualified or approved contractors. More in Enews next week.

7/19/2012: FCIA's Marketing Committee Chair Don Murphy and Exec. Director Bill McHugh participated at ASHE's 2012 Annual Conference. We met many new friends. FCIA Members, see who in the FCIA Members Only section at

6/18/2012: FCIA's Education and Commmittee Action Conference Education Sessions were great.  FCIA Members, check them out in the Members Only Section. Not a FCIA Member yet? EmailEvie Caprel, FCIA's new Associate Executive Director, Membership for info.  ReviewFCIA benefits, and you'll see the value.

6/11/2012: FCIA welcomes Evie Caprel back to the group serving membership.  Give her a call at the office, 708-202-1108.

6/08/2012: FCIA's newest issue of Life Safety Digest is online.

6/04/2012: FCIA displays at The Phoenix, AZ CSI Convention & CONSTRUCT2012.

5/29/2012: FCIA had a very successful NFPA Fire Protection Features Committe Meeting last week.  Look for results in June's FCIA Enewsletter.

5/22/2012: FCIA enjoyed meeting new friends while Executive Director Bill McHugh particiated in the International Accreditation Services Board of Directors Meeting. 

5/14/2012: FCIA's ECA Conference had some great programs. Check them out in the FINAL Agenda and look for them posted later this week in the Members Only Section.

5/9/2012: FCIA attended UL's Annual Meeting and Fire Council in Chicago last week.  Great to meet new friends and renew relationships.

5/2/2012: FCIA was on the Fire Safety Committee Dais at ICC's Code Action Hearings in Dallas.  Visit ICC's website for results.

4/18/2012: FCIA attended ASTM Meetings in Phoenix. Committee Chair Eric Keeton updates the association on Standards activities at FCIA's Education and Committee Action Conference.

03/20/2012: FCIA enjoyed time with friends at Construction Specifications Canada's Ottawa Chapter.  Check out the FCIA @ CSC Presentation and the newCanadian 07-84-00 French Specification.

03/15/2012: FCIA's Enews isposted online.  Check out the FCIA Education and Committee Action Conference draft agenda too.

03/06/2012: FCIA displayed at ASHE's PDC Show this week. Great to see members, healthcare friends. 

03/01/2012: FCIA's Education and Committee Action Conference schedule is posted.

2/1/2012: FCIA grows globally as Rise and Shine Insulation Contracting of Bangalore - Bengaluru, Karnataka, Indiajoined this week.

1/31/2012: Check out FCIA'sFall/Winter Life Safety Digest online.

1/25/2012:  FCIA's Education & Committee Action Conference takes place at Vdara Hotel & Spa, Las Vegas, NV. Reserve your hotel room today!

1/22/2012: FCIA's 2012 Board Meets late this week to discuss ongoing initiatives and new plans.

1/04/2012: From FCIA's Staff... Happy New Year to all!  We've been working with Commitees on new stuff.  Look for new FCIA Educational Materials and MOP Updates soon!