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FCIA Committees are organized groups of FCIA Member volunteers from all membership classifications working together on various pieces of Association business, from Codes and Standards development to Marketing outreach and more. Committees meet annually at the FCIA Education & Committee Action Conference in the Spring, as well as several times per year via teleconference, webinar, and email.

Committee Name Chair Phone Number
Accreditation Ben Urcavich, DRI (UL) (920) 471-2282
Advisory Ben Urcavich, DRI (UL) (920) 471-2282
Apprenticeship - Committee Inactive    
Canada John Sharpe (416) 293-0993
Code Gus Mancini, DRI (FM, UL) (508) 553-0800
Education Tyler Ferguson, DRI (FM, UL) (207) 282-4136
Education Task Group: FCIA Firestop
Manual of Practice (MOP)
Ken Slama, DRI (UL) (204) 777-0100
Finance Scott Rankin, DRI (FM) (609) 890-0036
Inspection Gus Mancini, DRI (FM, UL) (508) 553-0800
Inspection Task Group Gus Mancini, DRI (FM, UL) (508) 553-0800
International Task Group Ben Urcavich, DRI (UL) (920) 471-2282
Legislative - Committee Inactive    
Life Safety Digest Joe Wilkinson, DRI (FM) (443) 928-2379
Marketing Aideen Doneski (508) 553-0800
Membership Mark Dietz (763) 571-7464
Middle East    
Program Alan Mcdurmon (678) 817-5400
Standards Jay McGuire, DRI (UL) (937) 849-9055
Technical & Education Committee
(TE Committee)
 - Committee Inactive
Bob Hasting, DRI (UL) (360) 882-3068

We’re always looking for engaged, enthusiastic volunteers to serve on FCIA Committees. Make your voice count. Participate on an FCIA Committee, and make a difference in your industry. Committees members are appointed to committees by the FCIA Board of Directors. Contact Committee Chairs to learn more and join…we need everyone to be successful.