Find a Firestop Professional

Volume 9, Issue 1


  • FCIA Education and Committee Action Conference
  • FCIA / UL DRI Education & Testing
  • Total Fire Protection Education Partnership
  • Life Safety Digest Marketing Idea
  • FCIA Apprenticeship… more.

FCIA Education and Committee Action Conference – FCIA’s ECA Conference features education programs about how Effective Compartmentation initiatives grow business for your firm, while improving fire and life safety to buildings.  Don’t miss the FCIA roundtable committee meetings that bring the industry to one place to discuss important issues, make plans, and get things done.  FM 4991 Standard for Approval of Firestop Contractors Program DRI / UL Qualified Firestop Contractor Program DRI Education and Testing takes place at this conference, plus tour UL ’s world renowned compartmentation fire test, sprinkler, and alarm testing facility.

FCIA Education and Committee Action Conference, May 2 – 4, 2007, Downtown Chicago, IL, at the Mart Plaza Holiday Inn - $169/US. Call reservations at 312-836-5000, and ask for the special Firestop Contractors International Association (FCIA) rate. This is a bargain for a downtown location with first class business style rooms.  Free internet is included. FCIA’s room block will fill up quickly at this price. Visit and watch this site, for complete info.

FCIA UL Qualified Firestop Contractor DRI Testing - FCIA and UL are partnering for UL Qualified Firestop Contractor Education and DRI Testing Programs at several locations throughout 2007.  FCIA Firestopping Education (based on the FCIA Manual of Practice) and UL DRI Testing is scheduled for 5 locations:

  • March 14 – Chicago –UL Fire Test Facilities, Northbrook, IL
  • May 2 – Chicago at FCIA Education and Committee Action Conference
  • July 26 - Brea (San Jose), CA –UL Offices
  • September 13 - Research Triangle Park, NC –UL Offices
  • November 6 or 7 – S. Florida / FCIA Firestop Industry Conference & Trade Show

For more info, visit .

FCIA Life Safety Digest Marketing Idea – Many FCIA Members advertised in Life Safety Digest over the past year. They’ve augmented their advertising by purchasing extra magazines to distribute to general contractors, fire marshals, building officials and others.  FCIA has a limited amount of extra copies available from the Winter 2007 edition of Life Safety Digest.  For $.95/ea., Life Safety Digest magazine reprints are inexpensive.  Plus, Life Safety Digest Advertisers get a 10% discount off the $.95/ea. price.  Email the FCIA Office to order. . 

FCIA Board Meeting – FCIA’s Volunteer Board of Directors met in Baltimore Maryland, January 23 – 25, 2007 to review 2006 and look ahead to 2007’s initiatives.  FCIA’s Board spent time discussing committee actions, plans and our strategies for firestopping and effective compartmentation.  Visit , to see committee reports from 2006, and 2007 plans. 

FCIA Apprenticeship Program – FCIA’s Bob Hasting continues working on the FCIA Apprenticeship Standards with the US Department of Labor and locally in Washington.  Visit to see what’s going on.  Receive a full report from Bob Hasting at the FCIA Education and Committee Action Conference, May 2, 2007. 

FCIA Membership Growth – FCIA had a tremendous year in 2006, with over 140 members part of the association. That’s amazing as we were at 7 members just 7 years ago!  FCIA’s strong leadership, involved members and vision that the Specialty Firestop Contractor Concept and Effective Compartmentation are important to fire and life safety have brought long term growth to FCIA.  FCIA’s Contractor Membership spans the globe from the United States & Canada, United Kingdom, to Singapore and Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Contractor, Manufacturer and Associate membership renewals are coming in nicely for 2007 as well. See for yourself; take a look at the FCIA Member Lists.

FCIA Total Fire Protection Systems Education with UL – FCIA’s Effective Compartmentation Symposium experienced great success at the CSI National Convention and other locations.  FCIA and UL recently announced the Total Fire Protection Solutions Symposium taking place March 15, 2007 at UL’s Northbrook Fire Test Facility.  The program is currently available to Fire Marshals, Building Officials (AHJ’s) and Architects / Specifiers only, as space is limited.  If you know an AHJ, architect or specifier that should be at this program, forward them to check out the program at or . 

FCIA Staff
Bill McHugh, Evie Caprel & Linda McHugh

© Copyright FCIA 2/15/07 - Permission is hereby granted to forward, print, circulate, quote with credit to FCIA.  FCIA is a non profit organization of Firestop Contractors, Contractor Branch Offices, Manufacturers and Associate Members interested in furthering life safety through the Specialty Firestop Contractor Concept.  For more information, contact the

FCIA Office
Bill McHugh, Executive Director
4415 W. Harrison St.
Hillside, IL 60162

Phone: (708) 202-1108
Fax: (708) 449-0837
