Find a Firestop Professional

Volume 8, Issue 3


  • UL & FM 4991 DRI Testing at FCIA Conference
  • FCIA Submits ICC Code Changes
  • FCIA at CSI
  • ICC CTC Meetings
  • more

FCIA Education and Committee Action Conference – FCIA’s ECA Conference features education for the UL Firestop Contractor Qualification Program and FM 4991 Standard for Approval of Firestop Contractors Program. Plus the FM & UL DRI Tests will be offerred.

UL’s test is administered Wednesday, April 27, 2006 at a huge discount, $99/person. Cost increases significantly at the next meeting, so test now!

Firestopping, Compartmentation, Canada codes and testing and fire and life safety are all featured at the conference. Keynote Speakers include:

  • Guylene Proulx – National Research Center of Canada – “Human Behavior in Emergency Situations”
  • Igor Olsceiewicz – National Research Center of Canada – “Compartmentation & Codes”
  • Tony Crimi – AC Consulting Solutions – “Firestopping Testing & Codes”

Check out the updated FCIA Education and Committee Action Conference agenda,

Plus, the roundtable committee meetings bring the industry to one place to discuss important issues, make plans, and get things done. Here’s what to expect at the roundtable committee meetings:

  • Accreditation – UL & FM Program Future Aedan Gleeson, Chair
  • Code – FCIA Code Changes for next Cycle Bob LeClair, Chair
  • Standards – New ASTM Inspector Standard Randy Bosscawen, Chair
  • Technical – MOP 2006 Update Plans Mike Dominguez, Chair
  • Marketing – Tools for FCIA Members, Don Murphy
  • Education – FCIA Apprenticeship Program Bob Hasting, Chair
  • Program – Firestop Industry Conference & Trade Show, 2007 Plans

Use the online FAXBACK Registration Form, if you haven’t received one from us already. Contact Loews Hotel, 514-285-5555 for room reservations at this 5 Star Property…for $169/CAD, Approx. $145/US per nite. (Only a few rooms left)

FCIA Education and Committee Action Conference – Testing details

FM & UL Pre-Testing Education Program – FCIA’s Education Program will feature study of the Firestop Industry Manual of Practice using a Powerpoint Presentation prior to testing.

UL DRI Testing – UL Firestop Contractor Qualification Program Testing takes place following the pre-test seminar. Here are a few valuable pieces of information:

  • Testing Fees – UL $99 (This will increase this fall significantly, so test now!)
  • Open Book Test – Bring your FCIA Manual of Practice, or buy it for $295.
  • Testing Content – FCIA Manual of Practice and Systems Selection, a 3-hour exam.
  • Contractor Quality Inspection Audits – UL is scheduling audit inspections starting in May of 2006.

FM DRI Testing – FM 4991, Standard for the Approval of Firestop Contractors, is gaining steam in North America. Specifications have appeared in both the US and Canada, requesting an FM 4991 Contractor. FM DRI Testing is held at FCIA’s Education and Committee Action Conference. Here’s information about this test:

  • Testing fees – FM $250
  • Closed Book Test - no manuals allowed.
  • Testing Content – FCIA Manual of Practice and Systems Selection, FM 4991 Standard.
  • Contractor Quality Inspection Audits – FM conducts audits worldwide for those interested in becoming FM 4991 Approved.

FCIA Firestopping Industry Day – Architects, engineers, fire marshals, code officials, (and firestop contractors who want to see what FCIA is about) can attend FCIA sessions in Montreal Friday, April 28, 2006. Obtain 6 valuable Health, Safety & Welfare (Self Report) CEU Credits for a $140 Fee including continental breakfast and lunch. FCIA Firestopping Industry Day Education Sessions include:

  • Firestopping Testing and Codes in Canada
  • Compartmentation Presentation
  • Fire Resistance Rated Expansion Joints
  • Firestopping Education Session

New FCIA Logo – Take a look at the FCIA logo above, it’s changed! FCIA’s logo is now a registered trademark. If you are using the logo on stationery, websites, etc., please request a new logo from FCIA. Logo usage is limited to FCIA Members in good standing, and other authorized users.

FCIA Submits Code Change Proposals to ICC - FCIA’s Code Committee, chaired by Bob LeClair, submitted nine proposals for changes to ICC’s International Building Code and International Fire Code. The changes are aimed at improving Firestopping and Compartmentation language for enforceability for building officials and fire marshals. Changes will be heard in the 2006/2007 Code Cycle, with first debates set for Orlando, FL, September, 2006. Come to Montreal to hear the specifics, and join FCIA’s Code Committee to help steer fire and life safety through effective compartmentation and firestopping at the national level. Although the IBC Code has been adopted in 45+ states, local municipalities still choose to accept, reject or amend codes. That’s where you and your friends come in….we must think nationally, and act locally…through our own efforts as members of the Effective Compartementation and Firestopping Community.

FCIA at ICC CTC Hearings – FCIA attended the last ICC Code Technology Committee (CTC) and Terrorism Resistant Buildings (TRB) Meetings, in Rosemont, IL the week of March 8, 2006. The TRB Committee Chair, Bill Connolly, commented sternly, “less than a few years after the Pearl Harbor Attacks brought us into WWII, thousands of warships & planes were built and men mobilized into Europe and the South Pacific. With almost 5 years behind us since 9/11, we’ve not really done anything yet ...” ICC’s CTC continued to ask for data that shows the need to improve building inventory built to ICC Family of Codes.

FCIA visited with many organizations during the ICC CTC Meetings and the code development process. Key contacts included the National Association of State Fire Marshals, American Institute of Architects, General Services Administration, Building Owners and Managers Association, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), ICC – International Code Council, State of New Jersey, Engineering News Record, National Fire Sprinkler Association, and a host of others. FCIA continues to participate and promote fire and life safety through effective compartmentation and firestopping … with specialty firestop contractors as a key part of the fire and life safety formula. Promotion of FCIA Contractors at Code Hearings, Architectural Shows and Specifications is an important FCIA Member benefit. This, plus many other activities results in much traffic on where visits to member lists and other resources happen daily.

FCIA at 2006 CSI Show – The “FCIA Compartmentation Symposium” presented to a standing room only crowd … with 7 speakers, featuring Ed Glock, Masonry Institute, Nestor Sanchez, USG, Eli Howard, SMACNA, John Geniesse the Door and Hardware Institute, Steve Hahn, American Rolling Door Institute, and Bill O’Keeffe of Safti-First, plus Bill McHugh, FCIA. We received several compliments about the unique program, with requests for repeat performances in the US and Canada.

FCIA members Mike Pautsch, Superl, Inc. & Jim Shiver, Thermafiber, Inc., presented “Perimeter Fire Containment Seminar”, while John Hurley, STI, brought ‘Barrier Integrity Management”, to CSI. Safti-First President, Bill O’Keeffe updated the group on “Understanding the Many Choices in Fire Rated Glass”, and National Gypsum’s Program, “Understanding the UL Directory”, rounded out the ‘Safety and Security” Track of education programs.

As an official Education Sponsor of the CSI Show, FCIA’s Bill McHugh moderated the 5 sessions on compartmentation, fire & life safety and security. Traffic at the FCIA Booth was great, with many new friends met and relationships renewed. We discovered that through quality construction documents, specifiers can help FCIA’s Contractor Membership grow. Additionally, FCIA was recognized at the keynote opening session, awards gala, and in handouts to the thousands of attendees through our FCIA CSI Education Sponsorship. FCIA is pleased to have a relationship with CSI.

Construction Specifications Canada (CSC) and the CSI North Central Region are teaming up for a joint Conference in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, May 24 -27, 2006. The "Red River Rendevoux" will feature technical sessions along with CSI / CSC Leadership Education & Training. Info is available at . CSC is a great organization that promotes education of specification professionals and industry through chapter meetings and conferences.

Life Safety Digest Reprints Available – FCIA’s new magazine, Life Safety Digest, is available as a tool for you to educate the marketplace about effective compartmentation. Reprints are available from FCIA’s Office. We have limited quantities of the April 2006 issue available…so get orders in fast. Order as many as you want of June’s Life Safety Digest. The deadline is April 20th for the June issue. FCIA entertains articles for publication in the magazine as well. Do you have a passion for the industry and want to write? Submit an article for review by the FCIA Editorial Committee by April 20th, June 20th for the next two issues. Also, visit to check out the magazine and advertising opportunities.

FCIA Manufacturers Become Sponsorship Members – FCIA’s 2005 Board created the program for FCIA Manufacturer Members to purchase various services from FCIA as a package for a reduced price. So far, 3M and Specified Technologies, Inc. renewed as “Gold” members, HILTI, Thermafiber and Tremco as Silver members.

  • Gold – 3M Fire Protection Products, Specified Technologies, Inc.
  • Silver – HILTI, Thermafiber, Tremco

Other manufacturer members who renewed at the Bronze level include Grabber, Inc., Passive Fire Protection Partners, W. R Grace, Watson Bowman Acme / FPT Flammadur, in addition to 3M, Specified Technologies, Inc., Tremco, HILTI and Thermafiber.

FCIA is thankful for continued renewals of all members, Contractors, Manufacturers and Associates, year after year. We look forward to serving you in 2006 and beyond!

Success is a consequence, and must not be a goal.

Gustave Flaubert (1821-1880)

See you in Montreal!
Bill McHugh, FCIA Executive Director

Bill McHugh, FCIA Executive Director

© Copyright FCIA 04/5/06 - Permission is hereby granted to forward, print, circulate, quote with credit to FCIA.  FCIA is a non profit organization of Firestop Contractors, Contractor Branch Offices, Manufacturers and Associate Members interested in furthering life safety through the Specialty Firestop Contractor Concept.  For more information, contact the

FCIA Office
Bill McHugh, Executive Director
4415 W. Harrison St.
Hillside, IL 60162
Phone: (708) 202-1108
Fax: (708) 449-0837