Find a Firestop Professional

Volume 7, Issue 4


  • FCIA E-News - April 23, 2005
  • FCIA at FM
  • CCHRB Seminar
  • ICC Chapter praises Effective Compartmentation
  • Call for Presentations
  • FCIA 2005 & 2006 Programs

FCIA at FM Approvals - FCIA Accreditation Chair, Aedan Gleeson and 2005 President, Bob LeClair, spent time with FM Approvals in Norwood, MA last week. Aedan and Bob, plus FCIA Executive Director Bill McHugh, spent time with George Smith, Jeff Gould and Roger .... discussing the program. Watch for an update at the FCIA Education and Committee Action Conference Wednesday and Thursday, April 27 & 28, 2005.

FCIA at CCHRB Seminar - Cutting edge speakers were in attendance at the Chicago Council on High Rise Buildings High Rise Safety Seminar. Basic researchers from the USA National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Canada's National Research Council presented that 'redundancy and robustness' are needed in buildings today. Also, human behavior in fires justifies the need for effective compartmentation in buildings. Watch for more on this in the months to come as NIST publishes it's findings on the World Trade Center disasters.

FCIA at NASFM - FCIA 2005 President, Bob LeClair and Executive Director Bill McHugh, paid a visit to the offices of Jim Burns, State Fire Marshal, State of New York, current President of the National Association of State Fire Marshals (NASFM). NASFM has been very active bringing Total Fire Protection to Code Hearings for ICC and NFPA. They believe that Building Occupant Education, Effective Compartmentation, Detection and Alarms, Structural Protection and Suppression systems are ALL important to protect building occupants. Bert Polk, Partnership for Safer Buildings Team Member will present to at the FCIA Education and Committee Action Conference with IFC on Friday, April 29.

ICC Chapter Praises Effective Compartmentation - The Allen County, IN Building Department was contacted by the local fire department following a commercial business fire to evaluate the need for emergency demolition order for the portion of the building that remained standing. The owner of the building commented that he now understood the benefits of fire and building codes. He noted that the portion of the building that was still standing, containing the administrative offices, had recently been remodeled, and the contractor had been required to add fire separation walls between the office and warehouse. This had increased cost but, as the owner now acknowledged, turned out to be worth every penny. The result, a business relocated and operating with minimal downtime because the building and fire safety codes had been followed. Building Safety Journal, April, 2005.

FCIA Education and Committee Action Conference - There's still time to make your reservations, and attend the FCIA Education and Committee Action Conference. FCIA is joined by IFC and it's Committees, who are also meeting Tuesday, April 26, and together with FCIA Committee Meetings Wednesday, April 27, 2005. Visit the events page for info on the conference, and visit for hotel reservations.

FCIA Committees to Meet in Las Vegas - Here's the topics FCIA and IFC committees will discuss in Las Vegas:

  • Accreditation - Working with the marketing committee to promote the "Firestopping Quality Process", Tested and Listed Firestop Systems, Installed by FCIA Member, FM 4991 Approved Contractors, Inspected to ASTM E 2174 (Penetrations) & ASTM E 2393 (Joints), and Maintained by FCIA Member Contractors in coordination with Professional Building Personnel. Also, discussion on the FCIA's Effective Compartmentation Draft Maintenance Standard will take place here. Look for Aedan Gleeson, Chair - - 508.553.0800
  • Technical - FCIA's Technical Committee will review which MOP chapter to review and focus on in 2005. Discuss FCIA's input to UL's Standards Technical Panel on UL 1479, Chase Wall Firestopping Issue, W Rating Issues. Join us to volunteer, and add content! Mike Dominguez, Chair - . 305.871.2320
  • Marketing & Education - Attend this committee meeting to review FCIA and IFC exposure, articles and other ideas marketing the benefits to fire and life safety of Effective Compartmentation and Specialty Firestopping Contractors. Contact Don Murphy, Chair - 317.894.9111
  • Code - The Code Committees of FCIA and IFC attended the ICC Code Committee Meetings, and will discuss fire and life safety accomplishments as in industry (Membrane Penetrations, L Ratings, ASME Standard for Firestop Installers, Perimeter Protection), and future efforts to affect safety through Firestopping Requirements. Ray Usher, Chair & Bill McHugh, FCIA - 763.571.7464
  • Standards - The Standards Subcommittee of the Technical Committee (Don Sabrsula - finished it's work on Inspection Standard ASTM E 2174 (penetrations) and ASTM E 2393 (joints). Discuss work on a new standard for Firestop Inspector Firm Qualifications with Randy and the Group; plus, discussion on ASTM E 2307 Perimeter testing. Randy Bosscawen -
  • Program - The committee chooses the venue and topics for the FCIA Education and Committee Action Conference & Firestop Industry Conference. Bob LeClair & Scott Rankin, Chairs - .
  • Membership - Help FCIA's strategic expansion through growth in Contractor Membership. Allen Rams,
  • Join a Committee Now - Contractors, Associate Members, Manufacturers are welcome. To sign up, fill out a form and contact the Chair. Here's the form...

FCIA's NEW Education Offerings - FCIA Members have volunteered through the Education, Technical and Marketing Committees to produce FCIA's Firestopping Education Documents. Each of these will be available free or for sale at the FCIA Education and Committee Action Conference, Las Vegas, NV:

  • FCIA Manual of Practice - This industry reference book is the firestop industry resource. Available in Print - $295/members, $345/Non Members. CD, $195 Members, $245/Non Members. 2005 Updates due out shortly.
  • NEW - FCIA Firestop Fundamentals DVD - This Firestopping Video can educate your staff, crews and others interested in Firestopping. $145 Members, $195 Non Members
  • NEW - FCIA Firestop Education & Training Program - This 200+ Slide Powerpoint Program reviews the reason for Effective Compartmentation, Firestopping, Codes, Testing, Materials, Systems, Tools & Equipment, Safety. Includes a full script for self study, presentation. FCIA Members, FREE. Non Members, $145. AIA CES Approved.
  • NEW - FCIA AIA CES Firestopping Quality Process Program - This presentation educates architects, engineers and code officials about firestopping and the need for a qualified Specialty Firestop Contractor. An AIA CES Qualified Program, this program is available on CD or at FCIA's website. Full Script included. FCIA Members, FREE. (Other Associations charge for this training)
  • NEW - FCIA Custom Programs - FCIA's Executive Director will travel to present any of these programs for your firm, architects, engineers, code officials or fire marshals. Call FCIA for fees and dates available.

FCIA Display Available to FCIA Members - Any FCIA Member can use the FCIA Booth at a local event to promote themselves and FCIA. Reply to this email to get on the schedule for the booth. The trade show display ships in a self contained approx. 70 lb. container. You pay for shipping the booth to the next event, and store it until then. FCIA Members, FREE USE. You pay shipping.

FCIA Call for FCIA Conference Presentations - FCIA's Program Committee seeks programs for upcoming FCIA Conferences in 2005. The Call for Presentations for the Firestop Industry Conference is open until June 30, 2005. Presentation submissions are welcome from FCIA Members, Architects, Engineers, Code Officials, Fire Marshals, Building Owners and Managers, Contractors, Consultants, Manufacturers, and others. Email with the presentation outline or idea for consideration.

FCIA Board Member discovers article that finally gets it - FCIA Director Don Sabrsula, FireSafe of Houston, Inc., submitted an article from the Dallas Morning News noting that a GC was being sued for omitting things like "fireproofing the holes" in a condo building. Visit to see the text. It's about time the industry be held accountable for such an important fire and life safety item like firestopping. If the builder had used an FCIA Member, Specialty Firestop Contractor, this travesty may have been avoided.

FCIA Thanks Education and Committee Action Conference Sponsors - FCIA's Education and Committee Action Conference sponsorships from FCIA Member Manufacturers, are appreciated. FCIA Thanks 3M Fire Protection Products, HILTI, Inc., International Firestop Council, Passive Fire Protection Partners, RectorSeal, Inc., Specified Technologies, Inc.

Bill McHugh, FCIA Executive Director ~ 630.690.0682

©Copyright FCIA 4/23/05 - Permission is hereby granted to forward, print, circulate, quote with credit to FCIA.

FCIA is a non profit organization of Firestop Contractors, Contractor Branch Offices, Manufacturers and Associate Members interested in furthering life safety through the Professional Specialty Firestop Contractor Concept.

For more information, contact the

FCIA Office
Bill McHugh, Executive Director
1257 Golf Circle
Wheaton, IL 60187

630.690.0682 Phone
630.690.2871 FAX