Find a Firestop Professional

Volume 7, Issue 1


  • FCIA Board Meeting
  • FCIA Education and Committee Action Conference
  • FCIA at NASFM, CSI, Orlando, and ICC Code Hearings

FCIA Board Meeting

FCIA's Board of Directors met in Chicago, January 13 & 14, 2005 to reaffirm FCIA's Mission, and set direction for this year and beyond. FCIA's mission is below...with more emphasis on systems installed by Specialty Firestop Contractors....

"The FCIA’s mission is for member organizations to be recognized throughout the construction industry as preferred quality contractors of life safety firestop systems. FCIA Member Contractors are committed to providing consistent, high quality firestop systems as a critical part of Effective Compartmentation."


  • Membership Growth - FCIA's membership has grown rapidly from 7 to 120 in five years. To promote FCIA Contractor Membership and continue the growth rate, a Membership Committee has been formed, with Allen Rams, Beverly Life Safety Systems as chair. The committee will pursue new contractor members in the US and Canada as its first priority.
  • Programs - To support membership growth, FCIA's Program Committee recommendation to the board that 2005's FCIA Conferences be located in the Western US was accepted. FCIA looks to grow its western contractor membership by taking FCIA to them!
  • Technical - FCIA's Manual of Practice is being updated significantly. The Committee is writing the update while representing FCIA on NFPA's Fire Protection Features Committee and UL's 1479 Standards Technical Panel as well as ASTM Meetings.
  • Accreditation - The committee is focused on FCIA Member, FM 4991 Contractor support from FM and growth in the number of FM Approved Contractors. And, Aedan Gleeson, FCIA Accreditation Chair, has developed a "Fire Cert", for use with AHJ's and others when closing out a Firestopping Project. Watch for introduction in April.
  • Marketing - Look for tools from the Marketing Committee that can help your firm become a recognized leader in the marketplace at the FCIA Education and Committee Action Conference in April, 2005, to be held in Las Vegas.
  • Education - At the Las Vegas Conference, the committee will roll out its contractor education tools and AIA CEU Credit Presentations for all FCIA Members to use that will help them become leaders in the marketplace.

FCIA Conversations with NASFM – FCIA continues to have conversations with the National Association of State Fire Marshals about their "Partnership for Safer Buildings" Campaign. FCIA Past President Scott Rankin attended meetings in Virginia to offer FCIA's support of Effective Compartmentation and Firestopping in the International Building Code and NFPA 5000.

NASFM's position about Effective Compartmentation and Structural Fire Protection Features is crystal clear. Effective Compartmentation is needed as much as Detection and Alarms, Sprinklers and Education of building occupants and firefighters. Additionally, Michelle Jones, NIA Executive Director and Michael Kwart, ICAA Executive Director, Don Smith, AWCI, plus AFSCC's Consultants were there as well. Visit to learn firsthand NASFM's opinions that are being promoted throughout the US to building code organizations and government agencies.

FCIA Education and Committee Action Conference

FCIA's Education and Committee Action Conference returns to the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas, NV, April 27 - 29, 2005. The conference, "Effective Compartmentation & Firestopping Leadership", brings the industry together through active participation from both FCIA Contractors / Manufacturers, and the International Firestop Council as well. Some FCIA and IFC Committees are meeting jointly to jumpstart our efforts as an industry. Join the seminars on Effective Compartmentation, Legal Issues in Firestopping and Specifications, UL, and FM. FCIA Member Manufacturer updates will add value to your business through industry strategy and product presentations by leaders in our industry.


The FCIA 2005 ECA Conference, returns to the 1999 site, the MGM Grand Hotel, Las Vegas, NV.

Hotel Room Rates per night are: $119 -Tuesday, Wednesday, $149-Thursday, $209 per night-Friday. Reservations -Call 800-929-1111 and identify that you're with the Firestop Contractors International Association or “fci006”. Reservations must be made by March 30, 2005 to get the group rate.

For Air Travel, call CTMG - 800.323.3800 - FCIA's Travel Partner. The best ground Transportation is local taxi to MGM. And, you will want to fly out late Friday as FCIA’s Golf Tournament for the Traveling "Firestop Bulk Gun" Trophy kicks off at the Revere Golf Club, Concord Course, Friday afternoon.


Join other FCIA members for a great time, great speakers, displays, and industry leadership at the FCIA Firestop Industry Conference, November 9 - 11, 2005. This year's conference is in San Diego, CA. Watch the website for details for this educational, fun event.

FCIA Membership Renewal - The FCIA Membership Process is well underway with renewals received daily and retention doing well. Don't forget to renew. If you need another invoice, reply to this email.

FCIA Effective Compartmentation Maintenance - FCIA's Effective Compartmentation and Firestopping Maintenance Program was written after the International Fire Code Requirements for Effective Compartementation became part of the International Fire Code.

As a result, FCIA introduced an Effective Compartmentation Maintenance Document at the Firestop Industry Conference in St Thomas. It’s been well received, and downloaded frequently from FCIA's Website. The document is being edited for use in the FCIA Manual of Practice. Visit , review the document, and offer commentary to the Technical Committee.

FCIA at ICC Hearings

FCIA will be speaking at the ICC Code hearings.... for ASTM E 2174 Inspection, Effective Compartementation and Firestopping requirements to protect fire and life safety in buildings. We'll be against a code proposal to require a ASME/ANSI Approved field installer (worker) for Plumbing Penetrations as it promotes one trade over others in code and does not recognize the true driver of Fire and Life Safety....the Specialty Firestop Contractor Firm who is qualified to educate employees, has insurance, has trained personnel and accepts the business risk for the firestopping performed by the Firm on the project.



Hearings for the 2006 version of the International Building Code take place in Cincinnati, OH, February 22 - March 4, 2005. Rally with FCIA. Contact the FCIA Office by replying to this email to join in this important code event.

FCIA Speaks at Orlando CSI Invitation Only Breakfast - After a successful FCIA Firestopping Presentation about "The Firestopping Quality Process" last year at the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) Show in Chicago, Jay Cooper; CSI Orlando's Program Chair contacted FCIA about a seminar at the Invitation Only CSI Breakfast Seminar, Orlando Florida Chapter. Over 40 CSI Members attended the program with much discussion from the specifiers, manufacturers and contractors about the Firestopping Installation Process, FCIA and the Specialty Firestop Contractor Concept.

FCIA Manufacturer Members 3M Fire Protection Products, A/D Fire Protection Products, Grace Construction Products, RectorSeal, Specified Technologies, Inc. and Tremco, Inc. sponsored tabletops for the meeting, making the breakfast event free to the architects & FCIA Member Contractors. Through their comments, participation and questions this was an exciting Firestopping Industry event.

Thanks to FCIA Member Manufacturers for sponsoring CSI Orlando Chapter Firestop Industry Quality Program, February 17, 2005.

"We make our own luck ...… through practice, persistence, patience, focus." Alec Rexroat, IMICO

Bill McHugh, FCIA Executive Director ~ 630.690.0682

©Copyright FCIA 2/22/05 - Permission is hereby granted to forward, print, circulate, quote with credit to FCIA.

FCIA is a non profit organization of Firestop Contractors, Contractor Branch Offices, Manufacturers and Associate Members interested in furthering life safety through the Professional Specialty Firestop Contractor Concept.

For more information, contact the

FCIA Office
Bill McHugh, Executive Director
1257 Golf Circle
Wheaton, IL 60187

630.690.0682 Phone
630.690.2871 FAX