Find a Firestop Professional

Volume 6, Issue 6 Part 2


  • FCIA Reponds to ENR Fire Protection Article
  • FCIA at NASFM Conference
  • FCIA Firestop Industry Conference & 5 Year Anniversary Celebration
  • FCIA Tech Committee Meetings

FCIA is Alive - There's been so much going on at FCIA over the past 60 days that it took two releases to report on activity. It's hard to believe that just 5 years ago, there were only 7 founding members thinking about an association for Firestopping Contractors. Thanks to our Charter Members for getting this started. And, thanks to our new FCIA Members who bring energy and fresh ideas to FCIA. Many good things start from small beginnings.

FCIA Responds to ENR Fire Protection Article - A recent cover story on Fire Protection in Engineering News Record (ENR) Magazine featured many small articles that discussed fire protection in the US since the 9/11 World Trade Center and Pentagon Attacks. There's been much debate about fire protection in the post 9/11 world. Do buildings get designed to protect against bombs, planes, terrorists? What is the most optimum level of protection in buildings? The ENR articles showed many sides to the story. FCIA applauds ENR and Specifying Consulting Engineering Magazine for allowing open discussion on Effective Compartmentation, Active and Passive Fire Protection role in protection of people, property and buildings. Read the article and then check out the FCIA letter to the editor sent to ENR by the FCIA Board.

FCIA Member SOM Meeting - Barclay Myers, Nexlevel Construction Solutions, & Bill McHugh, FCIA Executive Director, were invited to spend time with Skidmore Owings & Merrill (SOM) discussing the Process of Firestopping and specifications. The conclusion was that SOM also believes the Specialty Firestop Contractor Concept may be the best way to get quality Firestopping in their projects, worldwide. Also invited to attend by SOM were representatives from 3M Fire Protection Products and HILTI. FCIA has had similar Firestopping Process Specification discussions with other leading architectural firms, like RTKL, OWP&P, Jacobs Engineering, to name a few.....

FCIA Firestop Industry Conference & 5 Year Anniversary Celebration - Learn about the FCIA Firestop Industry Conference on our website. FCIA's 5th anniversary is a milestone for FCIA. Celebrate, educate yourself, and have some fun at this conference.

FCIA Program Committee - FCIA's Program Committee is looking for members to help with planning FCIA Conferences. The committee meets virtually on email, face to face at FCIA Conferences, and via teleconference in between. The group decides locations for FCIA Conferences and works together with the Executive Director to develop the educational agenda for each conference. If this is up your alley, email Bob LeClair, Chair of the Program Committee.

FCIA Code Committee - FCIA's Code Committee is in transition. Bill McHugh and Ray Usher have been participating in code activities the past few months. We would like to transition in two FCIA Contractor Members into this group to work with us on Code activities to promote the TRIAD of Fire Protection. Reply to this Email if you are interested in the Code Committee, or call the FCIA office at 630.690.0682.

FCIA at NASFM Conference - FCIA's Marketing Committee, Don Murphy, PPMI Firestop, Inc., Chair, is participating in the upcoming National Association of State Fire Marshals Conference in St. Louis, Thursday and Friday, July 8 & 9, 2004. FCIA has reserved a tabletop space and will invest time supporting a group who's mission promotes Fire and Life Safety in many ways.

FCIA Future Efforts depend on you! - "FCIA has done in the short 5 years what most associations accomplish in 20 years", according to FCIA 2004 President, Ray Usher. FCIA continues to develop relationships with the architectural and code communities, educating about the benefits to Fire and Life Safety when a FCIA Member, Specialty Firestop Contractor, is used on projects to complete Effective Compartmentation. FCIA's future is in your hands, and your feedback is how we grow together. Got an idea, program, project description, (good or bad) or topic FCIA should be tackling to suggest? Just reply to this email, and we'll get it circulated to a committee or the FCIA Board of Directors.

FCIA Technical Committee Meetings - FCIA's Technical Committee has been gearing up for the Manual of Practice (MOP) 5 year review. "There are new chapters to write, and much new technology and testing to add to the MOP in the 4 short years the document has been in print", states Mike Dominguez, Firestop Specialties, Inc., FCIA Technical Committee Chair. Technical Committee Members, please reply to this email to confirm attendance at a meeting in Florida July 22 -25, or offering technical document review via email from the comfort of wherever you choose to be. We'll need a lot of help to produce another quality document like the first edition of the MOP.

FCIA Office Vacation - FCIA's office will be closed from June 18 through July 5 for recharging of batteries....Have a great 4th of July.

Bill McHugh, FCIA Executive Director

Production is not the application of tools to materials, but logic to work
- Peter Drucker, 1965

Firestopping is not the application of materials to holes, but the process of selecting, installing tested and listed systems to penetrations, joints and perimeter fire protection
Ray Usher, FCIA President, 2004

FCIA's Firestop Industry Conference - November 10 - 13, 2004 - Frenchman's Reef Hotel, St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands

©Copyright FCIA 06/15/04 - Permission is hereby granted to forward, print, circulate, quote with credit to FCIA.

FCIA is a non profit organization of Firestop Contractors, Contractor Branch Offices, Manufacturers and Associate Members interested in furthering life safety through the Professional Specialty Firestop Contractor Concept.

For more information, contact the

FCIA Office
Bill McHugh, Executive Director
1257 Golf Circle
Wheaton, IL 60187

630.690.0682 Phone
630.690.2871 FAX