Find a Firestop Professional

Volume 6, Issue 5


  • FCIA CSI Show Report
  • FCIA Education and Committee Action Conference Preview
  • FCIA Article publicized

FCIA & FCIA Members Display, Speak at the CSI Show and National Convention in Chicago - FCIA displayed it's FCIA Trade Show Booth at the CSI & TFM Show in Chicago at McCormick Place last week. FCIA Members Don Murphy, PPMI, Inc., Ray Usher & Justin Roy of Superl, Inc., Alec Rexroat of IMICO, Inc. all donated their time and talent to FCIA promoting the Specialty Firestop Contractor Concept, FM 4991 Standard for the Approval of Firestop Contractors and ASTM E 2174, Standard for the Inspection of Installed Through Penetration Firestop Systems.

FCIA Presentations at The CSI Show - FCIA spoke on Firestopping by Professional Specialty Firestop Contractors, FM 4991 - Standard for the Approval of Firestop Contractors, and ASTM E 2174, Standard for the Inspection of Installed Firestop Systems, at a seminar attended by over 75 people on Thursday, April 22nd. Many thanks to Don Murphy, PPMI, Inc., Rich Walke, UL-US, and Ken Hercenberg, RTKL Architects for presenting on our panel of industry issues. Questions from the architect/specifiers centered around how to firestop when a rated wall assembly meets a non rated roof assembly, "L" Ratings, the "Process of Firestopping", and Perimeter Fire Contiainment Systems. Ray Usher, Superl, Inc., Jim Shriver and Bernadette Wojtak presented a program on "Perimeter Fire Containment" on Friday, April 23, where the answers to Thursday's questions were presented. Comments from attendees were ..... "On guys really know firestopping and Perimeter Fire Containment" - "Great program, but don't forget to educate the inspectors about the firestopping process" - "This presentation really hit home, we get questions about systems vs. product data in submittals all the time". We used an updated version of the presentation called, FCIA, FM 4991 and ASTM E 2174. Visit our presentation page to see the program. Watch the site for the updated version, after we submit to AIA CES for Approval. We were pleased to renew relationships, and make new friends at The CSI Show!

FCIA Presentation at the TFM Show - FCIA also spoke to the Total Facilty Management Show group as well on Wednesday, April 21st. Rich Walke and Bill McHugh were joined by Karen Layng, Esq., Vedder Price who spoke to the legal implications of firestopping incorrectly, and even described how some gray areas can get architects and contractors in trouble. As always, Karen was excellent.

FCIA Presentation to SCIP - FCIA's Executive Director, Bill McHugh spoke to the Specifications Consultants in Indpendent Practice group reviewing where FCIA's Programs are to date...FCIA, FM 4991 and ASTM E 2174 at their meeting Saturday, April 24. FCIA was applauded for it's efforts to bring quality processes to the subcontracting community by this important group. Mark Kalin, SCIP Past President, complimented FCIA's generic specification as one that focused on the Systems Process of Firestopping.

HOK Architects CEO Patrick McLeamy, keynote speaker at the CSI Show, cited that the manufacturing sector of our economy is light years ahead of the construction industry when it comes to partnering, and quality. He cited the construction industry's lack of embracing the quality process as one of the reasons for owners displeasure with the construction process. While listening, it was rough for me to sit still, as FCIA is leading the way in the quality circle through the FCIA Manual of Practice and FM 4991 Approved Contractors. We are working hard to educate the construction team about qaulity, and the ability to recognize the actual cost of firestopping when installed to the firestop systems installation protocol instead of just red caulk installed haphazardly by an unqualified firm and individuals.

FCIA embraced the circle of quality long ago through FM 4991 Approval and ASTM E 2174 Inspection to verify that the process used by the contractor is working. FCIA, in fact, offers solutions to the quality problem, Mr. McLeamy.

FCIA Misc. at the Show - FCIA Executive Director received a Certificate of Merit and Appreciation from CSI's President for service on CSI's National Board of Directors, and chairing the audit committee. Many new friends were made while at the CSI Show, including Sandro Ubaldino, President and Nick Franjic, Executive Director of Construction Specifications Canada, and many more too long to list.

FCIA Member, Specified Technologies, Inc., wins Best Booth of the CSI Show - STI brought their hands on booth to the CSI Show, and won the "Best overall Booth of the Show" Award. Congratulations, STI for developing a great tool to promote the firestopping industry. FCIA Members are leaders in whatever they do!!

FCIA Toronto Conference - We're looking forward to the FCIA Education and Committee Action Conference later this week...April 28 - 30, 2004. Keynote Speakers Dr. Gene Corley, CTL, Inc., "Lessons Learned from the World Trade Center", Bert Polk, The National Association of State Fire Marshal's, "Partnership for Safer Buildings", Rich Walke of UL USA and Emmanuel Supeju, UL Canada, John Gryffyn, Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing, FM Approvals Jeff Gould & Tom McCarty and Bill Koffel, FCIA's US Code Consultant have prepared great programs for FCIA. FCIA's Committees Meet Wednesday afternoon. Don't miss Friday morning's Industry Strategy Forum and industry discussion on our joint IFC/FCIA work promoting our industry.

For last minute reservations, Call the Fairmont Royal York at 800.663.7229. Mention FCIA for the $209/CAN rate. Fly directly to Toronto's Lester B. Pearson (YYZ). A shuttle, Airport Express, is $14.95 Can each way stopping at all downtown hotels. Limos are approx. $39 Canadian, "FLAT RATE" each way available anytime. The FCIA Golf Tournament will take place at Royal Woodbine Golf Course, Toronto, about 5 minutes from the airport. Faxback forms are on the website.

Altough we're such close neighbors that we forget that Canada and the US are different countries, it's important to respect each border crossing's security checkpoints. Don't forget to bring proof of citizenship with picture identification. Passports are always helpful, and birth certificates recommended, but not required. Should you have any dietary restrictions, reply to this email with them so we can accomodate your needs.

FCIA Fire Protection TRIAD Article on Consulting Specifying Engineering Website - FCIA's "Effective Compartmentation" article on the Chicago City and County Building fire was added to CSE's website in the past few weeks. Watch for more of these in the near future.

Bill McHugh, FCIA Executive Director

"Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity."

W.Clement Stone, founder, Combined Insurance, now part of AON Insurance....born 1902

FCIA's Firestop Industry Conference - November 10 - 13, 2004.

©Copyright FCIA 04/25/04 - Permission is hereby granted to forward, print, circulate, quote with credit to FCIA.

FCIA is a non profit organization of Firestop Contractors, Contractor Branch Offices, Manufacturers and Associate Members interested in furthering life safety through the Professional Specialty Firestop Contractor Concept.

For more information, contact the

FCIA Office
Bill McHugh, Executive Director
1257 Golf Circle
Wheaton, IL 60187

630.690.0682 Phone
630.690.2871 FAX