Find a Firestop Professional

Volume 6, Issue 2


  • FCIA Chicago Testimony helps at BOMA
  • FCIA Meets FM & NASFM
  • FCIA Advertising
  • FCIA Education and Committee Action Conference Info

FCIA Chicago Testimony Opens Doors for National Discussion - Chicago's City Council is considering a mandate for adding sprinklers to most high rise buildings built before 1975. FCIA's Executive Director, Bill McHugh testified before the Chicago Committee on High Rise Building Safety about the use of Effective Compartmentation with Firestopping as the first part of the fire protection TRIAD (Compartmentation, Detection and Suppression) to impliment. Since Chicago's High Rise Buildings were built on "Compartmentation", completing the "fireproof boxes" using firestopping makes sense. The other two parts of the fire protection TRIAD, detection alarms and suppression sprinklers, can be addressed as can be afforded. The FCIA testimony to the City of Chicago was heard by the Chicago Chapter of BOMA, the Building Owners and Managers Association, as well as the Chicago Board of Realtors. Chicago, the birthplace of the high rise, is known to set trends nationally. Read the FCIA's testimony.

FCIA Member and IFC President, Steve Tyler, Tremco, Inc., just reported that BOMA Nationally heard about the Chicago testimony and "Compartmentation Strategy". As a result of this and IFC's recent meeting, BOMA wants to form a national platform for FCIA and IFC, (the Firestopping industry), to educate BOMA Members about effective compartmentation through firestopping. Watch for more info from FCIA and IFC about how our industry will work toghether to promote the practical economic solution to the Fire Protection TRIAD, Compartmentation, first. There will be a session at the FCIA Education and Committee Action Conference Friday, April 30 for our groups to formulate strategy.

FCIA Meets FM - FCIA met with FM Approvals this week and found a new enthusiasm for FM 4991. There are about 27- FM 4991 Approved Contractors nationwide, and growing at the rate of about 15 - 20% per year. And, we've heard from Firestopping Contractors around the country that the approval is gaining credibility with architects. FCIA Past Presidents Aedan Gleeson, Gleeson-Powers, Inc. and Blase Reardon, A.F. Underhill, Inc., Bill McHugh, FCIA Executive Director met with FM Approvals' Jeff Gould and Tom McCarty in February. Jeff and Tom have agreed to educate FM Global Engineering Technical Staff about effective compartmentation and Firestopping. FM will also promote "The Specialty Firestop Contractor Concept" through FM 4991 "Globally" as well. Additionally, FM's TSB Consulting Group received info about FCIA and FM 4991 to incorporate into its training programs for fire officials and others.

FCIA Meets NASFM - FCIA Past President, Aedan Gleeson, Gleeson Powers, Inc., and Bill McHugh, FCIA Executive Director met with Jim Burns, President of the National Association of State Fire Marshals this month. FCIA's Board offerred and Jim graciously accepted the "Honorary FCIA Membership" for his year of presidency of NASFM. An honor to Jim will be given at the FCIA Education and Committee Action Conference in Toronto. NASFM has stated that building codes may have given up to much passive fire protection to get sprinklers into codes. NASFM is advocating using smaller compartments, as they appear in the UBC 97 Code, rather than those existing in the International Building Codes which allow large open spaces without fire resistance rated construction in many occupancies.

FCIA Conference Dates - Mark your calendars now for the FCIA Education and Committee Action Conference April 28 - 30, 2004 at the Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Ontario, CANADA. Keynote Speakers include Dr. Gene Corley, CTL, Inc., "Lessons Learned from the World Trade Center", The National Association of State Fire Marshal's, "Partnership for Safer Buildings", UL USA and Canada, and FM Standards updates with both US and Canadian speakers, Bill Koffel, FCIA's Code Consulatant talks about NFPA and ICC Code Strategy, along with Committee Meetings as well. And., don't miss Friday morning's "Industry Strategy Forum", an industry discussion on our joint IFC/FCIA work promoting our industry. We'll also have a spouse program as well.

Call the Fairmont Royal York now for your hotel reservations at 800.663.7229 February 27 or later. Our cutoff date for the rate is March 31st. Rate is $209 Can., about $159/nite. Be sure to mention "Firestop Contractors International Association" to get the rate. Hotel Rates are good from April 24 - May 3 if you want to spend extra time in Toronto. Fly to either Buffalo's airport and rent a car, or directly to Toronto's Lester B. Pearson (YYZ). A shuttle, Airport Express is $14.95 Can each way, running each 1/2 hour, stopping at all downtown hotels. The Fairmont is the 2nd stop on the shuttle from the airport. Limos are approx. $39 Can. "FLAT RATE" each way available anytime. No reservations required for transportation. Budget about 1/2 hour travel time to downtown. The FCIA Golf Tournament will take place at Royal Woodbine Golf Course, Toronto. Watch for Faxback forms early next week.

FCIA's Firestop Industry Conference dates are November 10 - 13, 2004. Watch for the location in the next two weeks.

FCIA Membership Renewals - If you haven't paid your dues for 2004...maybe misplaced the invoice, (it happens to the best of us), just call the FCIA Office for a duplicate...or just send a check!!

FCIA New Members - Welcome to new FCIA Members in February:

  • J-Kaulk Firestopping, Inc. - Jeff Kauslarich, Picayune, MS - 601-798-0827 - Voting Contractor Member
  • Brichem Sales, Ltd. - Oakville, ONT, Canada - 905-825-8818 - Associate Member - Distributor

FCIA Call for Committee Members - FCIA's Board approved a new committee appointment policy recently. FCIA Members who want to be part of a FCIA Committee apply for the committee. Visit this link for committee updates, and a committee application form. You will benefit greatly by being part of a committee. The committes that need members include:

  • Technical - Mike Dominguez, Chair - The MOP is undergoing it's 5 year review...we'll need writers and editors.
  • Codes - Due to Kathy's illness, FCIA needs a new Code Committee chair. FCIA's Code Consultant, Bill Koffel, works with our Code Chair and other organizations.
  • Standards - Don Sabrsula, Chair, Needs help with the ASTM Meetings for the Standard for Joints Inspection.
  • Education - Bob Patton, Chair - A fresh set of eyes helps our writers stay focused! We could use one or two new members.
  • Marketing - Don Murphy and Richard Keeney have trade shows and speaking engagements we need to fill.

Contact Ray Usher, FCIA 2004 President if you are interested, at 763.571.7464, or email at .

FCIA New Voting Contractor Member Promotion Still ON! - FCIA has grown impressively in the last few years to about 120 members in the US, Canada and Ireland. To gain further credibilty as a group, FCIA needs to grow to 150 members, as fast as we can get it done! To further this growth, the FCIA Board announces a "new deal". When an FCIA Contractor Member sponsors a new FCIA Voting Contractor Member, a credit of $250 towards 2005 dues is applied. All you need to do is call the FCIA Office with the reference, so it's noted that you sponsored the firm's membership in FCIA. See .

FCIA Goals - Prospective Member Speech - Now that you have someone on the phone, what do you say about FCIA? Here's our FCIA "Elevator Pitch", the 15 second speech to tell someone about FCIA, in between floors on an elevator ride...

“FCIA is a group of Specialty Firestopping Contractor Professionals concerned with fire / life and property protection in the construction industry. We promote fire and life safety though the use of the Specialty Firestop Contractor Concept in the industry”. For more on FCIA's goals, visit FCIA Website.

FCIA Website Advertising - is constantly being visited by general contractors, architects, code officials, current and prospective FCIA Firestop Contractor Members. FCIA's Google Page rank is a "5/10". CSI, the Construction Specifications Institute, an 18000 member group's site, is a 6/10. FCIA's site is well traveled, and impressive. Consider advertising on the site:

  • Home Page - 1" x 2" Ad - $500/ 3 Months, $800/ 6 months $1000/ 12 months, 2 ads available. Approx. 21000 visits ea. 3 months, from 8400 distinct addresses visit the home page.
  • FCIA Member List Page - 1" x 1" Ad - $300/ 3 months, $500 / 6 months, $800/ 12 months 2 ads available. Approx. 8400 visits from 3600 distinct addresses to these pages.
  • Other Pages -FCIA FM 4991 Approval Page Ad, FCIA Articles, FCIA Events Page, FCIA Specification, other pages. $200/ 3 months, $400 6 months, $600 / 12 months, 2 ads available. Approx. 900 visits / from 750 distinct Internet addresses to these pages.

FCIA E-News Sponsorships Available - Want exposure for your company frequently delivered to the desk of FCIA Members and Friends? FCIA's ENews can be sponsored by any interested party.

  • Sponsor "At the Top" - $500/ 3 Months, $800 for 6 months $1000/ 12 months, 1 ad available
  • Sponsor "In the middle" or "On the bottom"- $300 for 3 Months, $500/ 6 months $700/ 12 months, 2 ads available.

FCIA Members on the Move - At the CSI Show, April Chicago, Ray Usher & Jim Shriver, Thermafiber, LLC, present on Perimeter Fire Protection. Bill McHugh, Don Murphy, Rich Walke and others present on Firestop Industry Issues. At the Facility Management Show in Chicago, Bill McHugh & Karen Layng speak as well. At The CSI Housatonic Chapter, an FCIA Presentation is scheduled in April. At The CSI Charleston, SC Chapter in January, Mike Wellons delivered the program on FCIA's website. Watch for FCIA in lots of places, promoting effective compartmentation and the specialty firestop contractor concept to our industry.

FCIA Promoted at, CSI's "Leader Magazine" - FCIA had some real good press lately. See your new "Construction Director" arriving shortly, on Page 434 you'll see FCIA's Promotion of the Specialty Firestop Contractor Concept.

FCIA Trade Show Booth - Don't forget, FCIA owns a "trade show booth", that's pretty impressive. Are you participating in a trade show and want a backdrop? The FCIA Booth is very generic, and can make your firm look like a million bucks. Call the FCIA Office to reserve it. You pay the freight to get the booth...then store it until the next FCIA Member needs it...and they pay the freight out to their function.

Bill McHugh, FCIA Executive Director

`Live your life so that whenever you lose, you are ahead.' .......Will Rogers

(c) Copyright FCIA 02/26/04 Permission is hereby granted to forward, print, circulate, quote with credit to FCIA.

FCIA is a non profit, volunteer organization of Firestop Contractors, Contractor Branch Offices, Manufacturers and Associate Members interested in furthering life safety through the Professional Specialty Firestop Contractor concept, (knowledge, value, expertise).

For more information, contact the

FCIA Office
Bill McHugh, Executive Director
1257 Golf Circle
Wheaton, IL 60187

630.690.0682 Phone
630.690.2871 FAX.