Find a Firestop Professional

Volume 5, Issue 11

Firestop Industry Conference
New FCIA Board Member
FCIA Magazine Articles
FM 4991 DRI CEU Filing
FCIA at Trade Shows
Code Updates

FCIA Firestop Industry Conference - The "Firestop Industry Conference", at Disney's Contemporary Resort, Orlando, FL will offer value for your investment in time. Come to Orlando, and take the FM 4991 DRI 3 year Re-Testing. Hear many Education Sessions;

  • "Lunch with FCIA Board and Membership" - Start / Renew relationships
  • "The Pentagon Reconstruction" - Wendy Thompson, PENREN - The Pentagon Reconstruction Team
  • "Firestopping from an Owners Perspective" - Carl Lawson, formerly with Duke University
  • "New Industry Standard Details" - "Industry Standards for Penetration Locations" - Richard Smits, Skidmore Owings and Merrill Architects
  • FCIA Elections - Listen to and elect Firestop Contractor Members to the FCIA Board
  • Codes "Compare, Contrast" and an FCIA Code update - Ray Bizal, NFPA and Kelly Reynolds, Code Consultant. FCIA's Code Consultant, Bill Koffel, updates FCIA on Code Results at IBC Hearings.
  • Business Opportunity Sessions - "How to write an FM 4991 Quality Manual", Perimeter Fire, Moisture and Vapor Containment, "Fire Rated Expansion Joints", "Firestopping Equipment Demos".

Visit the FCIA Website to download the FAXBACK Form and register for the conference. The room rate is really low, and will go call (407) 824-3869, and mention "Firestop Contractors International Association" to receive the $165/nite rate. Discounted Disney Park Pass tickets (11% off ) are available in addition to special Convention Attendee programs, through the Disney link on the FCIA Website.

New FCIA Board Member - Richard Keeney, Firestop International, Inc., Metairie, LA, has been elected to fill the remaining term of Kathy Taraba, FCIA Past President, which expires December 31, 2004. Kathy is leaving the board to spend more time with her businesses. FCIA thanks Kathy for her five years of service as President, Steering Committee Member, Board member and continuing service on the Code Committee.

FCIA In the News - The July "Construction Specifier" Magazine published by the Construction Specifications Institute, 2nd Qtr. "Licensed Architect" published by the Association of Licensed Architects and June National Insulation Association, "Insulation Outlook" magazines all had articles written by FCIA Executive Director Bill McHugh in them. Firestopping, FCIA, FM 4991, ASTM E 2174 and the Passive Fire Protection industry were all promoted in these pieces. To view, download and use this article, and others, visit the FCIA website at .

FM 4991 DRI's CEU Filing - Have you and your firm presented a Firestopping Program to code officials, architects/engineers, building owners, labor organizations or other groups? Be sure to keep track of these programs as they are worth 1/3 CEU Unit per presentation. See the online FM 4991 approval documents and scroll down to the FM 4991 DRI CEU Requirements and Reporting Forms for info about these requirements. Those who became DRI's in Boston, November 2000, are up for their 3 year recertification test. Testing will take place at FCIA's Firestop Industry Conference, November 12 - 14, 2003 at Disney World in Orlando. Questions, contact Jeff Gould, FM 4991 Key Contact for FCIA.

FCIA DRI Test Final Call for Questions - As an industry, FM handles all aspects about the FM 4991 "DRI Examination". They do solicit ideas for questions and answers for the exam from our industry. If you have some suggested questions or topics to include/delete on the exam, (including a request to provide where in the MOP the answers to questions are located), please forward to Blase ReardonBill McHugh, or Jeff Gould. We'll pass on to FM for consideration in the DRI Exam.

FCIA at ICC Show - FCIA is sharing a booth (#210) at the upcoming International Code Council Show, at Opryland Hotel, Nashville TN - Saturday, Sept. 6 (10am - 5pm) and Sunday, Sept. 7, 2003 (7:00am - 5pm).

Code officials from around the country attend the show, and will stop at our booth to hear about the benefits to fire & life safety when a Specialty Firestop Contractor is used for Firestopping. All we need to do is greet them as they walk by our booth, and invite them to stop! Volunteers from FCIA and IFC will work the booth. If you want to be at the booth, reply to this email. Don Murphy, PPMI Firestop, Inc., heads the Marketing Committee and is coordinating this program. Roland Price, Firestop Logistics, Inc., and Mike Wellons, Firestop Carolinas, Inc. have volunteered to work the booth. Thanks, from FCIA Members everywhere!

Code Updates - NFPA 5000 Code Update - July 30, 2003 – "The state of California has adopted model building and fire codes of the nonprofit NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) to protect public safety in the nation's most populous state. The California Building Standards Commission voted last night to adopt NFPA 5000™, Building Construction and Safety Code™ and NFPA 1, Uniform Fire Code™ (NFPA 1, UFC). As a result of the Commission's action, the NFPA codes will provide the basis for the 2004 California Building Code and the 2004 California Fire Code." excerpt from NFPA's August NFPA Online Report. So far, California is the only state to adapt the code, according to Jim Lathrop, Koffel Assoc., FCIA's code consulting firm. Visit NFPA's website for more info.

Florida Building Commission - According to IFC President, Amal Tamim, The Florida Building Commission voted 15 to 5 this week to use the International Building Code as the base template for the next edition of the Florida Building Code. After the vote, one of the commissioners asked to change his vote so it would be a total of 16 to 4.

FCIA Trade Show Booth - The FCIA Trade Show booth is available to members for use at trade shows. According to Tom Hottenroth, Firestop Solutions, New York, "It is very generic, can be used as a triangle or backdrop for behind you on a wall as a way to make yourself look good at a show".

Please respond if you have questions about this important marketing tool. The FCIA Member pays the shipping one way to get the booth. The next person pays the freight to get it to their location....and so on. Questions, email Bill McHugh.

FCIA Presentations Help Your Business - FCIA's Education Committee has developed a great presentation on "FCIA, FM 4991 and ASTM E 2174" for your use. Architect/Engineers (CSI, AIA Chapters) , Building Code and Fire Officials, Building Owners (BOMA, IFMA, AFE, APPA Chapters) all could hear from an FCIA Member about "The Process of Firestopping". Visit the FCIA Website to download the presentation, call you local chapter and promote FCIA. The program can be used for education seminars at any of these organizations. FCIA has applied to become a registered provider of CEU Presentation units, and will have a certification shortly. You can still present the program to the group for CEU Credit. Each of these groups can "self report" their own CEU's, so you don't really need to be a provider of CEU units for them to get credit for your presentation. Most importantly, FCIA's program meets the requirements for "Health, Safety and Welfare" units, which are hard to get for many. Through FCIA's exposure, your reputation as a "Professional Specialty Firestopping Contractor" will grow exponentially!

FCIA E-News Info - This FCIA E-Newsletter is published for FCIA Members worldwide. However, there are many additional "friends of FCIA" who receive this newsletter including architects (specifying for projects totaling around $3+ billion), engineers, code and fire officials, and other important trade associations. We do aim to be the "Hub of Firestopping Knowledge", through communication with our FCIA Membership and interested industry professionals. If you know someone who should be receiving this FCIA E-News, forward their contact information to the FCIA Office. Want to sponsor the E-News? Call the FCIA Office for Details.

Bill McHugh, FCIA Executive Director

(c) Copyright FCIA 08/29/03 Permission is hereby granted to forward, print, circulate, quote with credit to FCIA.

FCIA is a non profit, volunteer organization of Firestop Contractors, Contractor Branch Offices, Manufacturers and Associate Members interested in furthering life safety through the Professional Specialty Firestop Contractor concept, (knowledge, value, expertise).

For more information, contact the

FCIA Office
Bill McHugh, Executive Director
1257 Golf Circle
Wheaton, IL 60187
630.690.0682 Phone
630.690.2871 FAX.
