Find a Firestop Professional

Volume 5, Issue 10

FCIA Board of Director Nominations - The FCIA Membership will elect 3 new Directors to the FCIA Board of Directors this fall at the Firestop Industry Conference, in Orlando, FL. FCIA's Nominating Committee, Renee Woodruff - Chair, (F.Rodgers Insulation, Inc.) , Blase Reardon, (A.F. Underhill, Inc.) and Tom Hottenroth Firestop Solutions) committee members, is accepting nominations from FCIA voting contractor member firms. Any Firestop Contractor Voting member in good standing may be nominated by themselves, or another voting contractor member. If you are interested in running for the FCIA Board of Directors, please email your interest and a " candidate profile" to Renee Woodruff at , and Bill McHugh, FCIA Executive Director, Candidate profile examples are on the website. Nominations should be in to Renee Woodruff & FCIA's Office by August 11, 2003.

FCIA Summer Board Meeting - FCIA's volunteer board of directors meets in Kansas City August 14 & 15, 2003. These leaders volunteer their time, pay their own hotel and airfare expenses, while sharing their talents with the industry. Get to know them better by visiting their personal profiles.

FCIA Member "DRI's" - Get Ready Now! DRI's who took their test in November, 2000 at the Copley Hotel in Boston, are up for renewal. Your three year "retest" is coming due this fall. Regardless of when your firm was approved, you still need to retest at the three year anniversary of your test. And, don't forget to fill out and send your DRI CEU Forms to Jeff Gould, FM Approvals. These "DRI CUE Forms" are available on the FCIA Website, at the bottom of the FM 4991 page.

FCIA's "Firestop Industry Conference" - Hotel Registration is now available for FCIA's Firestop Industry Conference at Disney's Contemporary Resort, Orlando, FL. The Program Committee has been assembling quite a program for this outstanding meeting including an expanded "industry trade show". Don't miss it. November 12 - 15, 2003 - Orlando, FL. Reserve your rooms as soon as possible; Call (407) 824-3869, Mention "Firestop Contractors International Association" to receive the $165/nite rate. Discounted Disney Park Pass tickets (11% off) are available in addition to special Convention Attendee programs.

FCIA Firestop Industry Conference Outline Agenda - (Complete Details available in July)

November 12
DRI Testing, Early AM. FCIA Board Candidate Presentations, Elections, FCIA Education Sessions & Committee Meetings. Dinner on own
November 13
Education Sessions, FCIA Trade Show, FCIA Industry Banquet - All day and evening
November 14
Education Sessions until 12:00 pm
November 15, AM
FCIA Annual Golf Tournament, Disney's "Magnolia Course", site of the PGA Tour's Disney Golf Classic

Mears Transportation can take you from the Airport to Disney for $16/person one way, or $28 Round Trip. Call (407) 423-5556 for reservations.

Mold Issue discussion widespread - The following is an excerpt from AGC's "Smart Brief" ENews, 07/18/03.... "Of all indoor air quality (IAQ) bills passed by state legislatures this year, indoor mold issues were the most commonly addressed. While many of this year's 60 pieces of IAQ legislation are still going through the necessary processes to reach the floor, Texas already has passed three indoor mold-related bills." The AGC pulled the passage from the FacilitiesNet 7/16/03 issue. Whether it's AGC, CSI, ALA, AIA, BOMA, ENR, the insurance industry, or other trade association magazines, mold and indoor air quality issues are discussed. Be aware of the issue as firestopping may become part of a "Fire, Moisture and Air Barrier System".... in some cases, and especially at the perimeter of a building.

ICC Code Info - The "International Codes" has had recent state adoptions including; Indiana, Louisiana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia and Wyoming. Below are some interesting statistics as of 07/18/03 from the "International Code Council" website:

  • 45 states and the Department of Defense use the International Building Code
  • 33 states use the International Fire Code
  • 33 states use the International Building Code and International Fire Code
  • 43 states use the International Residential Code

There is also a chart of what states have adopted the International Building Codes ( "I -Codes" )

The FCIA Code Committee, Alliance for Fire and Smoke Containment and Control (of which FCIA is a member), and the Alliance for Fire Safety Group, is working hard to insert the UBC Height and Area tables into both the International Code and NFPA 5000. This initiative aims to reinsert compartmentation in building codes nationwide for fire and life safety.

The FCIA Office hopes this E-News finds your business doing well, and family enjoying some time off for vacation, or time together.

Bill McHugh, FCIA Executive Director

(c) Copyright FCIA 07/18/03 Permission is hereby granted to forward, print, circulate, quote with credit to FCIA.

FCIA is a non profit, volunteer organization of Firestop Contractors, Contractor Branch Offices, Manufacturers and Associate Members interested in furthering life safety through the Professional Specialty Firestop Contractor concept, (knowledge, value, expertise).

For more information, contact the

FCIA Office
Bill McHugh, Executive Director
1257 Golf Circle
Wheaton, IL 60187
630.690.0682 Phone
630.690.2871 FAX.
