Find a Firestop Professional

Volume 4, Issue 2

In this issue:
Education and Committee Action Conference
Firestop Industry Golf Tournament
Firestop Industry Conference
Standard Practice for On-Site Inspection of Installed Fire Stops
Website has improved
Advertisement on
Trade Show Booth is in Action
Marketing Committee update
Membership Growing

FCIA's "Education and Committee Action Conference", April 3-5, 2002 is coming up fast. Program Chair Bob LeClair, (A.F. Underhill, Inc.) reports that the conference features more that just committee meetings this year. "Back to Basics" is the meeting theme and includes program content on Codes, (Bill Koffel, FCIA Code Consultant) architectural specifications, general contracting, and legal aspects (Karen Layng, Vedder Price) of our business. Go to for specific info and phone numbers, then call Embassy Suites reservations to reserve your room. Plan on arriving in time for committee meetings Wednesday starting at 2:00, cocktails at 5:00 - - then stay until Friday Night for the FCIA Industry Golf Tournament. It will be worth your time!

The 1st FCIA Firestop Industry Golf Tournament will be a blast this spring. Scott Rankin, (Pyro-Stop, LLC), is planning the tournament which will include a "blind foursome" format with winners awarded the "FCIA Golf Tournament Traveling Trophy". Wait till you see this! Golf is $120 per person, with proceeds used to fund the FCIA Committees. We'll leave the hotel as soon as the conference is finished,

Mark your calendar now for the "Firestop Industry Conference", November 6 - 8, 2002 at Opryland, near Nashville, TN. The program committee is working on this meeting already, so expect another great group of speakers and educational sessions!

ASTM E2174-01 "Standard Practice for On-Site Inspection of Installed Fire Stops", is now published and listed on the ASTM Website. Many thanks to Don Sabrsula (FireSafe of Houston, Inc.)of the Standards Task Force. IFC Member Duane Becker, Fire Trak, Inc., FCIA and IFC Members Amal Tamim, W.R. Grace, John Valiulis, HILTI provided constructive comments, as did John Nicholas, Omega Point Laboratories. Thanks to all for working with ASTM Subcommittee E06.21 and turning this important industry standard into a reality. ASTM E2174-01's development is a direct result of an educational session at the FCIA Meeting in San Antonio, March, 2000. FCIA turns discussion into action!

FCIA Website has improved. Check it out as there's many new links and articles to read. Also, you may want to take some time to look at your listing. If you want to change your listing, email us your new description. If you need a website, check them out. Triphis, Inc. is our "webmeister. Contact them via

FCIA Advertisement - Go to , click on division 7, section 07840, scroll down 3/4 page and you'll see FCIA's Marketing Committee in action (Don Murphy, Chair). FCIA's advertisement, aimed at specifications professionals, links them directly to FCIA's website, where FM 4991 is listed prominently on the left side. The FM 4991 document is one of the most often "hit" items.

FCIA Trade Show Booth is in Action! The booth has been used in Minneapolis, MN (Tom Thoresen, SUPERL, Inc.) Boise, ID (Brandon Gallegos, G&G Insulation), New Orleans, LA (World of Concrete - in 3M's Booth ) already this year. The FCIA Booth has a busy spring with the AWCI Convention, San Antonio, March 14-16 (Tremco allowing us to display in their booth) Eastern States Insulation Contractors Association, May 9-11(Annapolis, MD - Baltimore area), and NPFA Convention in Denver, May 19 - 23 (Nelson Firestop Products letting us display) scheduled so far. Many thanks to our Manufacturer Members for letting the FCIA Booth join them! If you are an FCIA Member and want to work the booth at any of these conventions, let Don Murphy (PPMI Firestop, Inc.) or the FCIA Office know.

FCIA Marketing Committee - "FCIA Members Present to large groups" - FCIA Members Pete Barbadoro, (FireSmart Building Technology, Inc.) Aedan Gleeson, (Gleeson-Powers, Inc.), Blase Reardon, (A.F. Underhill, Inc.), Don Sabrsula (FireSafe of Houston, Inc.) participated in the International Firestop Council's "Code Official Meetings", in Boston, MA and Houston / Dallas, TX. There are several more of these coming in 2002; Denver, CO - May 2; Phoenix, AZ - May 3; St. Louis, MO - June 12; Chicago - June 13: Seattle, WA - Sept. 10; San Francisco, CA - Sept. 11; Los Angeles, CA - Sept. 12. Details will be posted on as soon as we know them. In Chicago, Al Rexroat (IMICO, Inc.) presents FM 4991 to the Association of Licensed Architects and Construction Specifications Institute Trade Show, March 12. FCIA Members are active promoters of life safety through passive fire protection and firestopping! Thanks Don Murphy, (Marketing Committee Chair) for coordinating these programs.

FCIA Membership Growing - We're over the 100 member mark with 9 new members joining in February. New members listed below.

  • 4 New Contractors
    • Thomas J. Donnelly, Inc., Shoreham, NY;
    • Life Safety Solutions, St. Paul, MN;
    • Jack Moore Associates, Worcester, MA;
    • Prestige Drywall, Anoka, MN.
  • 3 New Contractor Branches
    • Alpha Insulation, Austin, TX and Raleigh/Durham, NC
  • 2 New Associates (both in Sealant Dispensing Equipment)
    • Albion Engineering
    • AST - Adhesive Systems Technology

Questions, comments?? Contact the FCIA office via email or, "the old fashioned way"...just give us a call at 630.690.0682!

©copyright FCIA, March 10, 2002.
Permission is hereby granted to forward, print, circulate, quote with credit to FCIA.

Written By Bill McHugh,
Firestop Contractors International Association
1257 Golf Circle
Wheaton, IL 60187
630.690.0682 Phone
630.690.2871 FAX