Find a Firestop Professional

Volume 4, Issue 1

In this issue:
FCIA Meeting in New Orleans
Code Actions
Spring Meeting
Board Meeting

FCIA Meeting in New Orleans a big success! - Britt Berek, (JCAHO), John Hurley, (Specified Technologies, Inc.) Tom Salamone, (Firestop Solutions), all enlightened the FCIA with their opinions on the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations stance on Firestopping. We look forward to growing the relationship we've started with JCAHO. Chad Landry, (Tremco), coordinated with the Louisiana State Fire Marshal for a well received luncheon presentation on Firestopping enforcement and licensing of Firestop contractors. To Bob LeClair and the Program Committee, thanks for your efforts and a fine program.

FCIA Code Actions - After the New Orleans Meeting, many FCIA Members wrote letters to their fire/code officials regarding a proposal to reduce the fire resistance rating of the "perimeter fire barrier" to 30 minutes when the curtain wall was not rated "for the time period at least equal to the fire-resistance rating of the floor assembly" in the ROC process of the developing NFPA 5000 Code. Through your efforts, the proposal was shot down. FCIA and it's committees are an effective voice in the fire protection industry protecting life safety in buildings.

FCIA Spring Meeting - Get your plane tickets now while prices are low! FCIA's spring meetings will be held in Denver April 3-5, 2002. Watch the website for more details. Spring can provide opportunities for both skiing in the mountains and golf in Denver.

FCIA Elections - Kathy Taraba, 1 Source Firestop, Inc., FCIA's new president is looking forward to her year to serve the membership. Her energy and commitment to our industry will be an asset to FCIA. Scott Rankin, Pyro-Stop, LLC, Aston, PA has been elected Vice President. Ray Usher, Superl, Inc., Fridley, MN was elected Director for a two year term. Renee Woodruff, F Rodgers Insulation Interiors Inc., Inc., Livermore CA, and Don Sabrsula, FireSafe of Houston, Inc. were reelected for two year terms as well. Aedan Gleeson, Gleeson-Powers, Inc. and Blase Reardon, A.F. Underhill, Inc. remain as Past Presidents.

Breck Spain, Performance Contracting, Inc., Sacramento, California, rotates off the board as director. Breck has served FCIA well since it's inception as a charter member and frequent contributor at board and FCIA Meetings. His clear insights and ideas have helped make FCIA a better group. Thanks Breck, from the FCIA for your service to our industry and we look forward your future efforts on FCIA Committees.

Inspection Standard for Firestop Installation receives ASTM Status- Don Sabrsula, FCIA Inspection Standard Technical Subcommittee Chair, reports that the Inspection Standard proposed and written by this committee with input from the industry including International Firestop Council members, has received American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) Approval and is now known as "ASTM E 2174". This standard, to be available for purchase from ASTM shortly, ( can be used by either local building/fire department or private independent inspection personnel. ASTM E 2174 has also been submitted by the FCIA Code Committee for inclusion in the International Building Code. Look for a full report in the FCIA Newsletter this winter.

FCIA Board Meeting - The FCIA board will meet in Denver January 10 and 11. Contact anyone on the board if you have questions, concerns, suggestions about FCIA.

FCIA Website - If you haven't been to the FCIA website ( lately, check it out. Webmaster, Annette Autrata, Triphis, Inc., Oak Park, IL has improved our website layout and functionality immensely. If you need a website, try her user friendly services. You won't regret it. Call her at 708-288-4241 or email her at .

FCIA Committees - FCIA's committees have accomplished much with volunteers sharing their knowledge to improve the industry. If you are already not involved, sign up now. Committee chair contacts and purposes are on the website,

(c) Copyright FCIA 1/4/01. Permission is hereby granted to forward, print, circulate, quote with credit to FCIA.

FCIA is a non profit, volunteer organization of Firestop Contractors, Contractor Branch Offices, Manufacturers and Associate Members interested in furthering the Professional Specialty Firestop Contractor concept, (experience, value, expertise) and life safety in the industry. For more information, contact the FCIA Office:

1257 Golf Circle
Wheaton, IL 60187
Phone 630.690.0682
FAX 630.690.2871
