Find a Firestop Professional

Volume 3, Issue 5

In this issue:
FCIA Meeting Info (WEEKEND ROOMS Available!)
New FCIA Website

FCIA Annual Meeting in New Orleans is around the corner, November 7, 8 and 9, 2001. Airfares are low ...even last minute fares are inexpensive. The FCIA Program Committee has an agenda full of professional development... Testing Laboratory Updates, FM Global Updates on the "Firestop Contractor Approval Standard, FM 4991", a program on "Hospital" projects with speakers close to the "Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organization" process....and reports from committees. With over 65 people already signed up, we expect a great turnout. Register online at , then call the Renaissance Pere Marquette Hotel at 888.364.1200 for reservations, ($189/night per room) and send a check ($395 attendee fee) to FCIA. The fee covers breaks, breakfasts, lunches, dinner (Thurs.), receptions.

FCIA Annual Meeting Hotel Rooms AVAILABLE - FRIDAY AND SATURDAY - Contact the Renaissance Pere Marquette Hotel - AFTER WEDNESDAY at NOON, 888.364.1200 for reservations. At FCIA's request, they've added rooms to our block....and we can get more if needed.

FCIA Membership to "100" - As of October 10, FCIA Membership totals 99 Contractor, Branch, Manufacturer and Associate Members, from 3 countries.......with the 100th application in house! From small beginnings of 7 steering committee members in 1998, FCIA has become a viable industry organization. Get involved, join a committee, and be a part of the New Orleans meeting. Through your investment of time and effort, you can help steer the industry in the right direction.

FCIA Website - has a new look! Visit the website and check out the new site. Our website is really active with over 845 visits in the last 7 days. Yes, that's 845 visits...from 418 independent internet addresses... Visitors to look most for contractor information with over 220 member list hits. Be sure to check your firm's company info to entice site visitors to call you! Further details of the visits to the website include the following webpage hits:


  • Member Lists (220) ----- (Visitors want to know who FCIA members are!)
  • Individual member info pages (99)
  • FM 4991 Firestop Contractor Approval Standard (PDF) (59)
  • Annual Meeting Document (54)
  • Links page (32)
  • Publications (32)
  • Searches of (32)
  • List of FM approved members (25)
  • Articles (23)
  • Committee lists (20)
  • FCIA Member Registration Forms (20)

Code Issues - Kathy Taraba, Code Committee Chair, passed on a reference to all the sprinkler trade offs. They can be seen at the website, . It's over 100 pages of information about sprinkler trade offs. Kathy, the Technical and code committees met in Colorado with our code consultant Bill Koffel to plan FCIA's strategy for the future with NFPA and International Building Codes. (25+ people traveled at their own expense to Kathy's...even slept at her bunkhouse vacation home.... real FCIA fellowship!) Update presentation in New Orleans.

©2000, FCIA 10/9/01

Permission is hereby granted to forward, print, circulate, quote with credit to FCIA. FCIA is a non profit, volunteer organization of Firestop Contractor & Contractor Branch offices, Manufacturers and Associate Members interested in furthering the Professional Specialty Firestop Contractor concept, (experience, value, expertise) and life safety in the industry. For more information, contact the FCIA Office

1257 Golf Circle
Wheaton, IL 60187
Phone 630.690.0682
FAX 630.690.2871
