Find a Firestop Professional

Volume 3, Issue 1

FCIA Elections Results! The Votes were tallied and results are in! The FCIA By Laws were changed recently to add one new director to the board in 2001. And, with Blase Reardon moving up to President and Aedan Gleeson moving to Past President, a total of two Board of Director offices needed to be filled during our December elections.

Also, Ed Dougherty, TEDCO, Inc., Vice President of FCIA for the last two years, has resigned his position for personal reasons meaning a 3rd person to be added to the board. There is one year remaining on Ed s term of office. In addition to responsibilities as a business owner, Ed has been very involved with the Boy Scouts of America. His son, Ed Dougherty, Jr., recently achieved the highest level in scouting, the Eagle.

To fill the two 1 year term Board of Director positions, the FCIA Voting Membership elected Scott Rankin, PYRO-STOP, LLC, Aston, PA and Don Sabrsula, FireSafe of Houston, Houston, TX as directors. To fill the position vacated by Ed Dougherty, the board decided to appoint the 3rd place finisher, Renee Woodruff of F Rodgers Insulation Interiors Inc., Livermore CA. Best wishes to these volunteers for taking on the responsibility as FCIA Board of Director Members.

The Slate of Nominees FCIA Voting Members had to choose from was top notch! The FCIA thanks each of the nominees who were not elected for running; Pete Barbadoro, FireSmart Building Technology, Inc., Quincy, MA, Roger McKenzie, McKenzie Insulation, Acworth GA, Bruce Richards, Global Firestop Services, Bedford, Nova Scotia, CANADA, Roger Rowe, Firestop Contractors LLC, Birmingham, AL. We look forward to your involvement in other FCIA activities and committees.

Your FCIA Board, as of January 1, 2001, consists of:


  • Blase Reardon, A.F. Underhill, Inc., Canton, MA-President-781.828.9760
  • Kathy Taraba, 1 Source Firestop, Inc., Henderson, CO-Vice Pres./Pres. Elect 303.838.6110
  • Don Murphy, PPMI Firestop, Indianapolis, IN - Secretary - 317-894-9111
  • Mel Tabor, Tabor Insulation Co., Salt Lake City, UT - Treasurer 801.972.4666
  • Breck Spain, Performance Contracting, Inc., Sacramento, CA - Director 916.485.4891
  • Scott Rankin, PYRO-STOP, LLC, Aston, PA - Director - 610-485-9436
  • Don Sabrsula, FireSafe of Houston, Inc. - Katy, TX - 281-391-3331
  • Renee Woodruff, F Rodgers Insulation Interiors, Inc. - Livermore, CA - 770-574-2232

"FM 4991 Firestop Contractor Approval" - Deadlines Approaching - Jeff Gould, Factory Mutual, has set a deadline for FCIA Members who wish to be FM approved and appear in the spring FM Guide. To be part of this industry leading publication circulated to building owners and architects nationwide, the Firestop Contractor firm must meet FM s requirements, complete any deficiencies noted during the FM Audit and have contract paperwork to and approved by Jeff Gould at FM by January 30, 2001. Questions, call Jeff at 781.255.4873

FCIA Meeting Schedule, 2001 - Mark you calendars now! The FCIA Spring Meeting date is set for May 3, 4 and 5, 2001 in Phoenix, AZ. The Fall Meeting is scheduled for October 25, 26 and 27, 2001 in Chicago. Board Members need to schedule themselves in a day earlier for the FCIA Board of Directors Meeting each time. The New FCIA Program Committee will be working on the agenda with final details to be publicized in the next 90 days. This notice is to give the FCIA Membership the opportunity to shop for fares now and lock in savings.

FCIA Member Dues - The FCIA Board of Directors decided to change member dues to a calendar year schedule for better planning and budgeting purposes recently. Shortly, you will receive an FCIA Dues statement for the year 2001. This annualized method will result in different amounts for members who joined in various months during the 2000 calendar year and will reflect the change. Please pay your dues promptly.

FCIA Board Meeting - The new FCIA Board of Directors will meet in Kansas City to review goals and results from this year with an objective of setting goals for 2001. This will be the first time the newly elected members join the existing board at a FCIA Function. We look forward to the input from these well qualified new FCIA Board Members. Be sure to thank them for their commitments to FCIA when you talk to them. Each board member pays their own travel expenses and volunteers their time for the good of the industry.

We from the FCIA Office and Board of Directors wish you a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

©2000, FCIA.

Permission is hereby granted to forward, print, circulate, quote with credit to Firestop Contractors International Association.