Find a Firestop Professional

Volume 2, Issue 3

Happy Holidays from FCIA - The FCIA Board of Directors and the FCIA Office wishes you and yours a very joyous season. As the end of the year approaches, we all review our accomplishments and look where we can improve in the next year. The FCIA s year has been excellent; membership doubled, 3 successful meetings, a Firestop Industry Manual of Practice Published, FM (Factory Mutual) Research introduced a Firestop Contractor Approval Standard; FCIA hired a code consultant, a code change was entered. Your association has been moving fast in 2000. Look for more industry firsts from FCIA in 2001!

FCIA Boston Meeting a huge success! "Best meeting of my working career", "Excellent Meeting" were but a few of the comments from attendees at the Boston FCIA Meeting at the Fairmont Copley Plaza Hotel, November 9-11, 2000. The highlights of the meeting included a session with three key code officials from around the U.S.; Jay Flemming, Boston Fire Marshal, Gordon Oakley, OSHPD - State of California, and Terry Smith, State of Oklahoma. Each of them reminded the FCIA that the best way for us to help life safety through Firestop Systems was through practical education by FCIA Members of the code officials and design professional. Offer to take your area code officials to see how projects should be done. Join the Liaison Committee to help promote our interests to the design and enforcement community. You can make a difference and help our industry!

FM Firestop Contractor Approval Program - FM 4991 has been well received by the FCIA Membership. There were 54 people who took the two part FM Test seeking Designated Responsible Individual status. Comments from "Test Takers" were that "The test had questions about information that every firestop professional should know"....and "Test was tough....but a great way to set an industry standard for knowledge level a professional firestop contractor should know". To date, 22 firms have applied for approval, 12 have been audited and will receive approval status from FM Research soon.

FM/FCIA Partnership - FCIA/FM working together means much to both groups. FCIA Firestop Contractors are the first in the construction industry to work with FM on contractor quality through an "approval process". Educated "Designated Responsible Individuals" (DRI), firm headquarters and jobsite audits verify quality levels stated in the firm s operations manual are transmitted and accomplished on the jobsite. FM has agreed to help FCIA Promote this concept to the owner, code and design communities. Watch for publicity information in key publications as 2001 unfolds.


FCIA Boston Meeting Presentations on Curtainwall construction and their relationship to Firestop Systems brought FCIA Members Ray Usher, Superl, Inc. & Roger McKenzie, McKenzie Insulation together with Rich Walke of Underwriters Laboratories and Matt Mulvey of Thermafiber, LLC. Their program clarified key points about testing, design and the actual construction of the curtainwall area. Comments were also heard from Tim Mattox, Omega Point Laboratories and many FCIA Members. Key issues included "scratching" from mineral wool and coatings applied against glass, "banding" through thermal transmission and curtainwall test standards. Look for more presentations on curtainwall as new standards are adapted.

FCIA Board of Directors Elections - Seven candidates have volunteered and been approved by the nominating committee (Don Murphy, Ed Dougherty, Kathy Taraba) for election to the FCIA Board of Directors. Two people will be elected to one year terms this year. Next year, three spots will turn over. If you are interested in giving something back to your industry, send a biography of yourself to the FCIA Office. It will be saved for the next Nominating Committee - to be named by the board soon.

FCIA Boston Meeting Sponsors help in a big way - Thanks to our sponsors, Johns Manville, 3M, Nelson Firestop, Specified Technologies, Thermafiber for their financial support. Another thanks to the manufacturers who presented their firm s approach to the firestop market.

FCIA Hires Code Consultant - "We needed some professional direction from someone who knows the code bodies, building owners and is well respected by IBC (International Building Code) and NFPA )National Fire Protection Association) people. We found those qualities in Bill Koffel, Koffel Associates". Stated Don Murphy, FCIA Liaison Committee Chair. Don and the Liaison Committee, Kathy Taraba, 1 Source Firestop, Don Sabrsula, FireSafe of Houston, Inc., and Scott Rankin, PYRO-STOP, LLC worked on the code change language together for FCIA.

FCIA/IFC Code Change Proposal submitted to International Building Code via BOCA International. For the first time, FCIA and IFC have joined together to present a code change adding a requirement for 3rd party independent inspection of firestop applications installed in the field to firestop code language. Want to see the submission, call the FCIA Office for a copy.

FCIA Board Meeting Briefs - The FCIA Board of Directors has been busy the past 2 months preparing for the successful Boston Meeting and planning for 2001! Discussions at the past two teleconferences have centered on the FCIA Elections, FCIA Manual of Practice Marketing ideas, the FM Approval Standard Program and Code Change issues related to the 3rd party independent inspections standard.

FCIA Board to meet in Kansas City - Newly elected FCIA officers will meet with the existing Board in Kansas City, January 19 & 20. The board will revisit goals set in Atlanta, October 99 for 2000 and set new goals for 2001. Each person pays their own way and donates their time to attend these meetings. It is a significant time commitment to serve on the FCIA Board. Tell these volunteers "Thanks" when you see them.

FCIA Press Releases out! - Publicity is key to advancement of any industry s goals. We've sent press releases to major magazines nationwide. If you see one, cut it out and send it to the FCIA Office for tracking.

FCIA members are making a difference - FCIA Member Kathy Taraba, 1 Source Firestop has been appointed to the NFPA Commitee on Fire Protection Features. She s promoting the importance of passive life safety systems on her committee and in the new NFPA 5000 Code. Don Sabrsula, FireSafe of Houston, has authored a proposed standard on "3rd Party Independent Inspections" that is being reviewed for adaption by ASTM (American Society for Testing Materials). Roger Rowe, Firestop Contractors, LLC, Don Murphy, PPMI Firestop, Renee Woodruff, F Rodgers Insulation Interiors Inc., and Kathy Taraba, 1 Source Firestop, Chris Downey, C.L. Downey Construction, attended the recent code hearings in Birmingham, AL.

FCIA at IFC Meetings - FCIA Members Scott Rankin, PYRO-STOP, LLC, Mel Tabor, Tabor Insulation and Don Murphy, PPMI Firestop attended recent IFC Meetings.

FCIA MOP Sales - The FCIA Manual of Practice, a comprehensive Firestop Systems Industry Document has sold well. To date, 66 FCIA "Manual of Practice" Books have been sold. The FCIA Technical Committee is working on a options to increase the distribution of the FCIA MOP. Be sure to thank Randy Niece, 1 Source Firestop, for handling the shipping arrangements. Watch for more information soon.

FCIA Membership continues to grow - From small beginnings of 7 steering committee members, FCIA is up to 80+ members........and growing. Our voice is being heard in many important influencial areas of our industry. Your membership and involvement can and does make a difference.

FCIA Website - Take a look at the FCIA Website, , to view your company listing. If you want any changes, please submit them via email to the FCIA Office at . If you are an author, send in an article for review by the Communications Committee to be posted on the FCIA Website.

FCIA Logo Stickers for sale - Remember those stickers that were laying on your table in Boston? They are great for hardhats, file cabinets, entry door windows, desk glass and many other places. By the roll (500), the 3" round stickers are $175, the 2" $145, or buy them individually for .60 and .50 respectively. To order, send a check to the FCIA Office with your request.

International Building Code Update - South Carolina is to adapt the new International Codes with an effective date of July 1, 2000. Previously, the state had enforced the Standard Codes. Source, Kelly Reynolds, Kelly P. Reynolds & Associates.

FCIA Committees - Committee chairs are changing with new chairs to be named after the new FCIA Board of Directors meet in January in Kansas City.

Best wishes for the New Year to all!

Comments to the Newsletter? Email us at and we'll listen!

Firestop Contractors International Assocation
1257 Golf Circle
Wheaton, IL 60187
Phone: 630.690.0682
Fax: 630.690.2871

©2000, FCIA.

Permission is hereby granted to forward, print, circulate, quote with credit to Firestop Contractors International Association.