Find a Firestop Professional

Volume 10, Issue 1


  • FCIA Board
  • FCIA at Standards Technical Panel
  • UL Qualified / FM Approved Firestop Contractor Updates
  • UL Investing in Contractors
  • FCIA / UL Total Fire Protection Systems Symposium
  • More…

FCIA Board Meets – FCIA’s new board of directors met in Phoenix, AZ to review 2007 and plan 2008.  The Board reviewed the mission, goals and objectives for the organization charting new ground for 2008 in all committees. 

FCIA 2008 Board of Directors – Scott Rankin, Aedan Gleeson, Tom Hottenroth, Bob Hasting, Don Murphy, Mike Dominguez, Bill Hoos, Gary Hamilton, Randy Bosscawen.

There is now a dedicated Apprenticeship Committee.  The Education Committee program development was reassigned to the Technical Committee, the heart of knowledge for education programs.  Marketing and Education will promote education programs forming relationships with important groups to promote the Specialty Firestop Contractor concept while recognizing manufacturer and associate members.

FCIA 2008 Board at  Board Meeting, Phoenix, AZ

See the committee pages at for updated info about where FCIA is going in 2008. 

FCIA Leadership Meets with IFC – While in AZ, FCIA’s Leadership also met with FCIA Code Consultant Bill Koffel, and the International Firestop Council with IFC Code Consultant Tony Crimi to discuss the many code proposals by both groups and others.  Much good industry discussion ensued.  ICC Code Development Committee hearings take place February 19 – March 1, 2008.

Gleeson-Powers, Inc. is UL’s FIRST Qualified Firestop Contractor – UL’s Betsy Titus announced that FCIA Member Gleeson Powers, Inc., is the 1st contractor classified as a UL Qualified Firestop Contractor. 

“It was a tough process that challenged our company to be the best at what we do” stated Gleeson.  UL Auditors reviewed Gleeson-Powers, Inc.’s processes to evaluate conformance to UL Qualified Firestop Contractor Program Requirements. 

Watch FCIA’s website for new UL Qualified Firestop Contractor Firms as they pass requirements of the program. Visit the FCIA & UL websites to see the new listing:

FCIA / UL Total Fire Protection Systems Symposium – The ICC LA Basin Chapter hosted with UL & FCIA another TFPSS Symposium January 31, February 1, 2008 in Los Angeles, CA Area. Over 120 people attended with education from all the Effective Compartmentation, Detection and Alarm, and the Suppression industries.  Another is scheduled for April in San Jose, April 10, with plans for the east coast as well. Visit the UL Qualification area of for info.

FCIA & UL at ICC LA Basin Chapter – Devin Brown, Fire Rated Glazing Industry & Technical Glass Products

FCIA Website Home Page ~ FCIA made a change to the website home page to benefit FCIA Manufacturers at the Platinum, Gold, Silver levels.  These important members are now at the top of the page for maximum exposure.  Check it out.

UL Investing in Qualified Firestop Contractors - UL has dropped the initial contractor firm and jobsite audit cost from $6000 to $3000 for calendar year 2008. If you are thinking about this, go for it now! Yearly contractor firm and jobsite audits remain at $3000.  

UL also announced a ULc mark for the program, for ‘Canada’.  FCIA is pleased to see UL reacting to FCIA Member requests for a UL

To view contractors qualified, visit .

FM 4991 Gaining Ground - Jeff Gould, reported that FM has beefed up its FM 4991 program recently.  With 16 direct employee auditors, many FM Contractors in the FM Approval Guide and on FCIA’s Website, FM is on a roll.  In 2001, there were zero FM 4991 contractors, and 15 Designated Responsible Individuals (DRI’s).  FM expects close to 50 FM 4991 Approved Contractors, with around 60 DRI’s in the program.  To view approved firms, visit .

UL & FM DRI Test Prep, QMS Education Locations and Dates on
The FCIA DRI Firestop Test Prep Program helped test takers get ready for the exam.  FCIA’s Quality Management System (QMS) Education Tuesday helped 30+ firms learn UL’s requirements.  Visit to see testing dates and locations for 2008 in Seattle, WA, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Northbrook, IL, Melville, NY and San Antonio, TX.  The Quality Management Sessions are delivered at FCIA Conferences.

FCIA Apprenticeship Standards – FCIA’s Apprenticeship Chair, Bob Hasting, reports that the US Department of Labor is in final stages of review before approval of the FCIA Apprenticeship Standards.  This program, a             4-year apprenticeship program, focuses on the educating the ‘Firestop / Containment Worker’, so other trades start saying ‘hey, that’s firestopper’s work!’.  

FCIA Education and Committee Action Conference –  FCIA’s committees, UL’s Standards Technical Panel (STP) Study Groups, Quality Management System Education, UL & FM DRI Testing, Firestopping and “Green Building”, New State Apprenticeship Program report, Specs, Codes, and more….take place at this conference, to chart new ground.

Don’t miss this important conference at Seattle’s Edgewater Hotel! FCIA’s special deal of $189 is about ½ the going rate at this property. 

FCIA at UL Standards Technical Panel Meetings – FCIA’s Standards Chair Randy Bosscawen, board members Bob Hasting, Gary Hamilton, Bill McHugh and Past President Kathy Taraba attended meetings January 8.  The group discussed adding field conditions to testing standards that reflect what can be reasonably expected during exposure on projects. More discussion takes place during the UL STP Study Group meetings at FCIA’s Education and Committee Action Conference, Seattle, Wednesday April 30.

ICC Code Development and Technology Committees Meeting – ICC has organized the Code Technology Committee (CTC) to study topics that keep coming up at the Code Development Hearings.  There are Study Groups working under the CTC for Height and Area (Chapter 5 of IBC), Vertical Openings (Chapter 7, IBC), and ‘Balanced Fire Protection’.  Watch for news about the upcoming ICC Code Development hearings in Palm Springs, CA, February 18 – March 2, 2008.  FCIA participates in this important activity, and has several code change proposals aimed at bringing better reliability to effective compartmentation and firestopping.   

FCIA Welcomes Jan. 2008’s New Members
Contractor Members

  • Hudson Bay Company – WA
  • JP Larsen, Inc. - IL
  • Murray Drywall & Insulation of Texas, Inc.– NE

Inquiries at FCIA for new members continue to grow.  Know a contractor, manufacturer, distributor, manufacturer’s rep or consultant that should be part of FCIA?  Pass their email address on to Angie Sims, , FCIA Membership Development, and we’ll contact them with further information.

FCIA Life Safety Digest – FCIA’s Life Safety Digest Committee Chair, Scott Rankin seeks technical articles and project profiles for this renowned publication.  Submit an abstract for consideration by the editorial committee to   

FCIA Member Discount for On-Center Software – FCIA Specialty Firestop Contractor Members can purchase estimating software for a discount.  Contact On-Center Software by visiting the link at , to receive the discount. On-Center Software, Inc., Firestop Estimating Software for productivity.

FCIA Thanks 2007 Manufacturer Members, and looks forward to their support in 2008:

  • 2007 Gold Level - 3M Fire Protection Products, Specified Technologies, Inc.
  • 2007 Silver Level – HILTI, Thermafiber, W.R. Grace & Co., UNIFRAX
  • 2007 Bronze Level – BOSS Products, Inc., No-Fire, Inc., Roxul, Inc., Tremco, Inc.

“Enthusiasm... the sustaining power of all great action”  Samuel Smiles                

Bill McHugh, FCIA Executive Director

© Copyright FCIA 2/10/08 - Permission is hereby granted to forward, print, circulate, quote with credit to FCIA.  FCIA is a non profit organization of Firestop Contractors, Contractor Branch Offices, Manufacturers and Associate Members interested in furthering life safety through the Specialty Firestop Contractor Concept.  For more information, contact the

FCIA Office Bill McHugh, Executive Director
4415 W. Harrison St.
Hillside, IL 60162

Phone: (708) 202-1108
Fax: (708) 449-0837