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Spring 2004

As incoming FCIA President, I am proud to have been part of FCIA since its inception, and look forward to our future together. Over the next three weeks through this "President's Letter", let me relate "Where have we been, Where we are, and Where we’re going": as FCIA.


Where have we been - Since our inaugural FCIA Meeting in Chicago, January, 1999, we’ve reached milestones any other association would hope to have reached in such a short time.


First, here's "where we've been":

  • FCIA Manual of Practice written and circulated.
  • Industry Firestop Contractor Approval - FM 4991 “Standard for the Approval of Firestop Contractors” developed
  • Firestop Industry Inspection Protocol - ASTM E-2174,“Standard for Inspection of Installed Firestop Systems” idea developed.
  • FCIA Committees Formed – Accreditation, Education, Marketing, Program & Technical.
  • FCIA Membership Grew from “0 – 100 plus ”


FCIA has had an impressive beginning. Each conference brought new programs and new members. From about 40 attendees at UL in Chicago, January 1999, to 85 in Boston, November 2000. FCIA has come a long way.


FCIA's past didn't happen by accident. A passionate "Charter Member Group", those who attended the first conference have remained active in FCIA and driven our programs forward. The "Steering Committee Board", who helped find others around the country passionate about the "Specialty Firestop Contractor Concept", set in motion our association. It is this commitment of FCIA Members striving to improve Fire and Life Safety through Firestopping and Passive Fire and Life Safety that has driven us the past few years.


Thanks for joining FCIA as a member, committee participant, and for any other involvement you chose to have in FCIA. FCIA has grown through your participation, involvement, and by offering conferences, newsletters, publications and programs that add value to FCIA Member businesses. As Aedan Gleeson stated during the initial FCIA Inaugural Meetings, "FCIA can be the Hub of the World for Firestopping". We use this as our measurement, and strive to achieve to this high level of performance.

Next week, the FCIA President's Letter will look at the efforts of each FCIA Committee, and how they have been a driving force for our association during the "Where are we Now" portion of this series....

Stay Tuned ...

Ray Usher
FCIA 2004 President
Superl, Inc.
(763) 573-7464