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Mark Dietz, 2017 FCIA Board President


Good day. As your 2017 FCIA Board President, it is both my honor and my privilege to welcome you to the Firestop Contractors International Association.

I would first like to thank all the member Contractors, Manufacturers and Associates who have supported in the past and who continue to support the FCIA. The time and energy you willingly invest in the association is what enables this organization to continue to advance the group’s mission to improve installed fire- and life-safety systems in buildings around the world, as well as the wide-spread acceptance of the specialty firestop contractor in the construction industry.

As FCIA Board President in 2017, I look forward to continuing to strengthen and promote the concept of the importance of the specialty firestop contractor. We can do this through increased FCIA membership, growth in the number of approved contractors within the FM 4991 Approved or UL Qualified Contractor company programs, as well as through advocacy for the industry and educational outreach.

If you are a new or potentially new member, let me be the first to say, “Welcome!” The FCIA has a varied and diverse member base who are happy to help others get involved. Go to to read more about our great organization.

This May, commit to joining us for the FCIA Education and Committee Action Conference in St. Louis, Missouri at the Chase Park Plaza Hotel. This conference will have expert speakers covering many relevant, technical subjects for our industry. Then, in November, we will head to Palm Springs, CA for the FCIA Firestop Industry Conference and Trade Show, which includes the Ray Usher Memorial Golf Outing, the Annual FCIA Dinner and other networking and industry building events.

Finally, I would like to encourage all active members to get involved in your association by participating on a FCIA Committee. During the May conference, the Committee Reports and Action Sessions are a great opportunity to learn about the various committees and to find the best fit for your talents and interests.

FCIA Committees:

As the 2016 President of the FCIA, Ken Slama was a stellar leader, and I want to thank him for his service. I would also like to thank the 2016 Board of Directors, Committee Chairs and Volunteers.

As the year proceeds, please feel free to let me know if there is anything I and the Board may do to serve you better.


Mark Dietz, 2017 FCIA Board President

Firestop Contractors International Association