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Scott Rankin, FCIA 2003 President

The FCIA Board of Directors met for it's Summer Board Meeting in Kansas City, MO August 15 & 16, 2003. The group meets four times yearly, twice at FCIA Conferences and twice at another convenient location.

The Board reaffirmed the FCIA's 2003 Goals/Objectives and outlined specific committee tasks that support association goals. We believe and will strive for the following:

FCIA Goal for 2003 -- "Firestop Trade Development" using the following Initiatives

  1. Membership Growth
  2. Influence Codes
  3. Training
    • FCIA Member Contractor Firms
    • Installers
  4. Increase FM 4991 Contractors Nationwide
  5. Promotion / Interaction with Trade Organizations important to FCIA interests.

In FCIA's almost 5 years of existence, our committees have focused on developing programs or documents such as FM 4991 "Standard for the Approval of Firestop Contractors, ASTM E 2174 -Standard for the Inspection of Through Penetration Firestop Systems", the FCIA Manual of Practice.

Now, as our organization continues to grow, we need to focus on increasing FCIA's stature in the construction environment and becoming synonymous with "the hub of firestop system knowledge".

We must not lose sight of our long term goal as we fight our daily battles, together we will enhance building and occupant life safety, effect change within our industry and increase our business opportunities.

Your comments and input are valued. The best way to be heard is to attend FCIA conferences, join a committee or volunteer to become part of the FCIA Board. The FCIA Board welcomes your email comment, criticism or idea. We care and will listen.

Warmest regards,
Scott L. Rankin, FCIA President
PyroStop, LLC - 610.485.9436