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The ‘DIIM’ of Firestopping™ is defined as the proper ‘D’esign, ‘I’nstallation, ‘I’nspection, and ‘M’aintenance of Protection of Firestop Systems. When all the pieces of the ‘DIIM’ puzzle are present, the result is greater reliability of installed fire-resistance-rated and smoke-resistant assemblies and effective compartmentation. This ensures that installed fire-resistance-rated and smoke-resistant assemblies have a better chance of performing as designed, which means safer buildings protecting occupants and property and continued use of the building following a fire event. The ‘DIIM’ of Firestopping™ gets accomplished by:

The DIIM Of FirestoppingTM




Proper ‘D’esign of firestop systems begins with the Design and Specification community. By educating the Architects and Specifiers who are designing these installations about firestopping and all elements of Passive Fire Protection, properly ‘D’esigned construction documents are provided, improving accurate communication to Contractors, Special Inspection Agencies, and Building Owners and Managers.



When firestop products are installed to the Manufacturer’s installation instructions and tested and listed system specs, the result is an installed firestop or fire-resistance-rated SYSTEM.  Specialty Firestop Installation Contractors understand this.

Proper ‘I’nstallation of Firestop Systems by a Specialty Firestop Installation Contractor company that has a culture of ‘Zero Tolerance’ provides continuity to breached, fire-resistance-rated, and smoke-resistant barriers.



Using competent, third-party independent ‘I’nspection by Firestop Special Inspection Agencies with proper equipment, qualified personnel, and experience adds an integral quality-check of the firestop installation process.



‘M’aintaining Protection of existing fire-resistance-rated and smoke-resistant assemblies, including all aspects of Passive Fire Protection and both rated and non-rated assemblies, is critical to fire and life safety. These systems need regular attention to conform to the International Fire Code requirements.


When all the components of the ‘DIIM’ of FirestoppingTM are in place,
the result is improved fire- and life-safety systems and safer buildings, which is what it’s all about.